
Vision4Life is a process which the United Reformed Church is following for 3 years from Advent 2008 through to Advent 2011. It is three years of focus on re-engaging with the Bible, Prayer and Evangelism with the purpose of bringing transformation to the URC and its partner churches. Take a look through the contents of the site using the menu above or select items from the Bible Year menu to the right. You can sign up to the process as a local church or join in the forums as an individual below. There’s lots to discover and the site grows week by week with resources, comment and news. Enjoy!

Click here for a guide to using the site.

Check out the full Bible Year Menu page

advent special – one – The story we all know

re-examining the Christmas Story and the Gospels

This is an ‘advent special’ Bible conversations that probably should have been available at the start of Bible Year but didn’t seem to have made it onto the website, so here it is now at the start of Prayer year, to help groups that are still engaging with the Bible even whilst they are extending their explorations in prayer.

A second conversation “Mary’s Yes” was available last year and can still be found through the link below.

Find the Advent specials here along with all the other Bible Year Advent materials

Encounters in Mark’s gospel – a BRAND NEW resource by John Campbell

‘Encounters in Mark’s Gospel’ brings you suggestions for a series of up to fifteen small-group conversations based on particular stories in Mark’s Gospel. These conversations all share the same basic shape. They aim to help you, and everyone else in your group, to:

  • build up your confidence in actively exploring bits of the Bible
  • make connections between the biblical story and your own life story
  • find fresh vision for the business of being human today

all from watching and talking freely with each other about encounters between Jesus and those he meets – as we find them recorded in Mark’s Gospel.

New materials

Take a look at Additional materials through the Recent News pages – there is a summary of other news to the right

The Bible Year Materials

The booklet for the bible year of Vision4Life was published in January 2009 and all churches were mailed copies. You can see the Vision4life Bible yearbooklet (pdf) under the Bible Year Menu . It is full of initial ideas for engaging with the Bible but it is now up to you. Use the materials to develop your own ideas throughout the year. You can also download the videos for use with one of the studies in the booklet.

Vision4Life – What’s all the noise about?

See the About Vision4Life page

How to use the menu

The Vision4Life Bible Year Menu is a collection of materials to help local churches of the United Reformed Church devise their own programmes to enable a fresher, deeper and more confident engagement with the Bible by everyone associated with their church. It will continue to grow and develop all through the ‘BIBLE YEAR’ of the Vision4Life process (Advent 2008 to Advent 2009). The materials are available in a menu format under a number of broad categories.

If you’ve ever ordered anything from a menu before you know how to use the Bible Year Menu.

Select from the menu on the right or view the Bible Year Menu Card