Bible Year Menu


The Vision4Life Bible Year


This is where you can select various courses - the choice is yours!

You can also download the pdf version of the Vision4Life booklet


Mealtime Moments
Pastoral Meeting Moments
Four Ideas One Text

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How to read a newspaper
The Jesus Life Line
(A more extensive version than in the booklet)
Short songs to welcome the Word
Paying taxes
Self Denial
Loaves and Fishes
Called to be peacemakers
Great Escape

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Main Courses

1. And God said - Creation's story
2. Who do you think you are? - Israel's story
3. Remembering Him - Jesus' story
4. Welcome to Corinth - The Church's story*
*there is a DVD to help with this study

All age Main Course alternatives

Getting Creative with Creation
Who do you think you are - all age
The Four Friends
Bible Smells

Other Main Courses

Waiting at the Bottom of the mountain
Film and the bible
The Gospel of Mark
Encounters in Mark's gospel
u-turn for climate change

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Kennings and Cookies
Making a Bible Quilt
Bible Scrap Booking
Making a video diary
Bible Picnic
Summer reading