SEASONS - Advent & Christmas

Seasonal Resources

These resources will be especially linked with the current season to stimulate evangelistic activity linked with some of our greatest opportunities to share the gospel and reach out to our communities.

Thinking ahead about...

Lots of tried and tested ideas for imaginative services, readings, activities and creative ways to encourage deeper thinking about what Advent and Christmas really mean in 21st Century came out of Eastern Synod’s series of Thinking ahead – and they have kindly shared the materials with us.

From today's news

This piece puts the well known story of the Nativity into a contemporary context.

Download from todays news.pdf

Turning night into day

A meditation with pictures from Heather Whyte, suitable for Advent and Christmas

Download Turning night into day.pdf

alterNATIVITY website

Do you sometimes feel that you are the only one who longs for a different way to celebrate Christmas? We promise you it’s not true. Last year the BBC blog invited views on this and it was both sad and revealing to realise how many negative words there were – “it’s just about greed, false sincerity, a relentless marketing exercise. Sooner it’s come and gone the better”. That was last year how do we make this year different, not only for ourselves but for the community around us?

 Download September_Newsletter 2011.pdf
Crafts & Evangelism - Make a giant Angel

There are many ways of telling God’s story and telling Our Story. A good way of doing this can be to get a whole group of people involved in a communal craft project at a particular time of year. This material explains how to make a giant angel for Advent/Christmas as a communal project.You can download jpg images of the project by clicking the images below and then right click the image and select "Save image as"


Download make a giant angel.pdf
Advent Prayer Stations - Gospel Beginnings

These prayer stations have been produced by Dave Coaker, minister at Leyland and Penwortham, and provide a useful link between Prayer and Evangelism Years. There is a document for the text and another for setting up.

Download Prayer Stations Gospel beginnings.pdf

Download Prayer Stations Gospel beginnings - setup.pdf
60 second Christmas

This video produced by Ian Fosten might be a helpful resource for the evangelism year, especially Christmas. Ian writes: "I’ve used it on a loop in the past and will have it running in the bar at the Seagull Theatre this Christmas."

Christmas Food Court Hallelujah Chorus

This video link was submitted by Ray Adams. It is evangelism in a novel style!


Silent Lights exists to give a positive response  to the decline in Christian imagery at Christmas.  Their range of Christmas decorations helps you to do take a step to restore the Christian christmas message  in your community. As more and more nativity scenes get displayed across the nation, together we  will begin to share the message of HOPE this Christmas, and show that we are not ashamed of the nativity, but rather have something we want to celebrate!.