Vision4Life logo

Vision4Life general logo

vision-4-life-logo-church vision-4-life-logo-church-shadowvision-4-life-logo-no-strapvision-4-life-logo-nostrap-shadow
Download the logo by right clicking any logo on  this page and selecting Save Target As...

Logo usage information - this logo is copyright © 2007 The United Reformed Church and should be used in the exact proportions delivered on this page - i.e.  966x352 pixels - or proportions thereof. It should be reproduced in colour wherever possible.

Colour and typeface detailsVision4 - Arial Rounded MTBold 62 pt narrowed by 60% Life - Bradley Hand MTC 83 pt Normal with outline of 0.03 ins Red CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0

For further help or other formats please email Paul Snell, the logo designer

For other versions, click below

Bible year logo

Prayer year logo

Evangelism year logo