SEASONS - Lent & Easter

Seasonal Resources
These resources will be especially linked with the current season to stimulate evangelistic activity linked with some of our greatest opportunities to share the gospel and reach out to our communities.


Ideas for Lent

Lent can be a good time for sharing our faith story as it plays an important part in our life together. Here are a few ideas Download ideas for Lent.pdf
Darwen Church Partnership have produced a Lent course which is available on line at this link 


Lent Calendar

ROOTS for Churches are following on from the successful Advent calendar with a new Lent Calendar for 2011. This can be used by all ages and offers a simple reflection or activity for each day of Lent. Follow this link to download a PDF in colour or in black and white:
ROOTS publishes ecumenical, lectionary-based worship resources in two bi-monthly magazines: ROOTS Adult & All Age and ROOTS Children & Young People, plus a supporting website


Youth and school assembly ideas for Lent

Maybe you are planning a School Assembly or piece of Youth work in Lent. Here are some things you might find useful – written from a school context for young people aged 11-18. Download lent assemblies.pdf


Telling Tales

In the pages of this booklet, you will find stories from the bible—some more familiar than others—re-told from a specific perspective, conveying refreshing insight and instigating reflection. 
Each contributor brings their own style, showing unique creativity, a great depth of understanding, and a renewed way of looking at faith.

This re-telling of tales will both challenge pre-conceived ideas and confirm deeply held beliefs. We hope that God will speak to you through these stories and that they will inspire you into further exploration of your own.

Contributions from: Jan Berry, Sarah Brewerton, Alma Fritchley, Alan Gaunt, Lyn Gallimore, Stewart Graham, Michelle Haller, Sue Rowe & Sue Shaw.

Download Telling_Tales.pdf


Ideas for Easter

Easter can be a good time for sharing our faith story as it plays an important part in our life together.  These ideas and thoughts have been generated by a group of 16 -18 years olds at Silcoates School, but could be used with people of all ages. Download ideas for Easter.pdf 
Full size versions of the images below are available by clicking the image.


Easter Ideas Powerpoint

Here are some ideas for Easter Evangelism in a powerpoint file Download Easter ideas Powerpoint.ppt


Re-inhabiting the Easter Story

Here are a series of scripts and suggestions for an evening exploration of the Easter story on the premises of a local church. Download reinhabiting the Easter story.pdf


Easter Kennings

Here is some material based on Kennings for Easter in Evangelism Year – or next year if you need to ‘think ahead’. Download Easter Kennings.pdf


Hope Together

HOPE together website is worth having a look at: 
They are promoting events to do at Easter 2011 and a booklet of ideas has been published, priced at £4.99.

Take a look here.

Andrew Willett has produced a background paper about HOPE together.

Download HOPE together.pdf


Film for Lent - Pay it Forward

In another of Colin Udall's studies using film, he makes use of "Pay it Forward" to look at different aspects of the way we should live our Christian lives, from the teachings of Jesus and parts of the Old Testament. This study is highlighted as suitable for Lent but could be used at any time. Download pay it forward.pdf