Seasons - Ascension and Pentecost

Eagle Soaring Prayer

To provide some reflection and meditation on the theme of Eagle Soaring Prayer for use by individuals or small groups.

Download Eagle soaring prayer.pdf

Prayers from Holy Island

Occasionally there is a numinous quality to the air on Holy Island and the sense of it brings an apprehension of the Spirit who pervades all created things.

As this piece developed the idea of the Pentecost Spirit as the prodigal father took shape. Scandalously throwing aside all dignity he welcomes the home comers after thousands, maybe millions, of years of dwelling at a distance.

Download prayers from Holy Island.pdf
There are 3 photos to accompany this item below. They are all in jpg format. To download, left-click the thumbnail below and then right click the picture and select "Save image as" or "Save picture as" and choose the folder where you wish to save the image.

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Prayer and the Holy Spirit

A biblical reflection and prayer on the Holy Spirit as the agent of prayer, for use by individuals or small groups.

Download prayer and holy spirit.pdf

Prospects for Ascension

Here are three items for use with people of all ages and abilities based around the bible story of the man lowered through the roof: some ‘let me tell you’ stories, a bible study and some suggestions for prayer.

Download Prospects for Ascension.pdf

Understanding our Father

To help us understand better that the One we are praying to is a loving Father who delights in us and wants the very best for us. You can use this with a group or individually.

Download Understanding our Father.pdf

Leadership and prayer

This document is a complete outline for a small group like a House or Cell Group on the theme of Leadership and Prayer. The purpose of this session is to enable group facilitators to help participants feel comfortable engaging with and using prayer naturally.

Download Leadership and prayer.pdf

Windrush God: affirming diversity

Inviting an exploration of the Pentecost event (Acts 2:1-13) as an affirmation of the Christian community as a welcoming and diverse space for all and the implications for the content of our prayers.

Download Windrush God.pdf

Praying with prodigals

This material can be used individually, in a group or as the basis of a service. It deals with our approach to praying for those who are marginalised.

Download praying with prodigals.pdf

Praying in the Spirit

This study explores what the Apostle Paul meant by the phrase to “pray in the Spirit” and to see what we might learn about going deeper in our relationship with God as we engage in things which are spiritual and therefore outside of our experience in the physical world.

Download Praying in the Spirit.pdf