
Welcome to the Evangelism Year of Vision4Life, the third of three years that we hope will start to transform the United Reformed Church, and our partners, for mission. We began with the Bible Year, and continued with prayer year. Re-engaging with the Bible and prayer have not stopped, but equip us for evangelism as we discover fresh ways of sharing God’s story with our friends and neighbourhoods..

The Evangelism Year is the final year of a complete process. Some churches may want to simply jump into this year without covering the first two years. Can we encourage you to cover the main studies for the first two years and enter into the whole process before you do. Whilst it is easy for some to put evangelism on the back burner saying we are not ready yet, others may miss out on some of the important areas of thinking that have developed through the Vision4Life process if the bible and prayer are neglected. So even if you want to cover the materials more quickly than a whole year for each, please enter into the whole process and discover what God has to say to you as you develop your own thinking and progress towards evangelism.

Teaching & Motivational Resources

Getting on with it

Theological Reflections

Worship Resources

Additional Resources & Links

Seasonal Materials

Here is a document with a few ideas from churches that could be used as a link to the evangelism year. Download PtoE - moving on ideas.pdf here

A Theological Introduction to the Evangelism Year
This is a presentation written by Francis Brienen  for Eastern Synod ministers and offered for use by others. There is a text document and a Powerpoint. The text is written only in note form and is useful as a starting point for your own presentation.
Download theological intro to V4L Evangelism Year.pdf

Download theological intro to V4L Evangelism Year.doc

Download theological intro to V4L Evangelism Year.ppt

Exploring Evangelism - a taster session
This powerpoint presentation offered by John Hall is designed for s synod meeting and to be interactive, around tables. It also gives tasters of different parts of the booklet.
Download ExploringEvangelismTaster.ppt

Download ExploringEvangelismTasterScript.pdf

Download ExploringEvangelismTasterScript.doc

Don't let the sun go down
A prayer with picture by Heather Whyte

Download Dont let the sun go down... with picture.pdf
Advent Prayer Stations - Gospel Beginnings
These prayer stations have been produced by Dave Coaker, minister at Leyland and Penwortham, and provide a useful link between Prayer and Evangelism Years. There is a document for the text and another for setting up.
Download Prayer Stations Gospel beginnings.pdf

Download Prayer Stations Gospel beginnings - setup.pdf

You can access many of the resources by clicking the links above or using the top menu drop down options

Audio Versions - NEW

We are pleased to announce that we are now offering audio versions of the Exploring Evangelism booklet.
Click here to go to the download page.