Resources for Motivation and Teaching
These resources are designed to inspire and stimulate you into evangelism.

The "E Word" can be frightening to some and exciting to others. We hope these resources will dispel some of the misconceptions and enlarge your thinking about what evangelism is and how it fits into the life of your church and your personal witness.

Exploring Evangelism - a taster session

This powerpoint presentation offered by John Hall is designed for s synod meeting and to be interactive, around tables. It also gives tasters of different parts of the booklet. Download ExploringEvangelismTaster.ppt
Download ExploringEvangelismTasterScript.pdf
Download ExploringEvangelismTasterScript.doc
Telling our story

Telling our story introduction

Here are some introductory ideas for your to try as a group or in pairs to help you begin to tell ‘our story’ as a faith community. You can also think about this material on your own, perhaps making some notes in a notebook or journal to help you. Download telling our story intro.pdf

Story telling based on Mark 10:46-52

One of the themes of our Vision4Life Evangelism Year is Telling God’s story, telling our story. This piece of story telling is based on Psalm 34:1-8 and Mark 10:46-52. Download KT story telling.pdf


The good man Jesus - material for a book club or reflective reading

This material presents a way of using the book ‘The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ’  by Philip Pullman (2010: Canongate) in a book group or discussion group, although if you have read the book on your own you might also find these materials helpful for reflection. Download the good man Jesus.pdf


The life of Peter

This interactive Bible study is based on the life of Peter. It requires the main study document as well as all the separate group exercise sheets indicated for download on the right. Download life of Peter.pdf
Download Gp exercise 1 - refs re Peter.pdf
Download Gp exercise 2 - Peters employer.pdf
Download Gp exercise 2 - recruitment agency.pdf
Download Gp exercise 2 - film director.pdf
Download Gp exercise 2 - dating agency.pdf
Download Gp exercise 2 - careers adviser.pdf


The life of Andrew

This interactive bible study is for small groups based on the life of Andrew. Download life of Andrew.pdf


Stories of unfinished evangelism

A series of unfinished and open-ended stories about evangelism to help us think about how our story and God’s story work together. Download stories of unfinished evangelism.pdf


Film for Lent - Pay it Forward

In another of Colin Udall's studies using film, he makes use of "Pay it Forward" to look at different aspects of the way we should live our Christian lives, from the teachings of Jesus and parts of the Old Testament. This study is highlighted as suitable for Lent but could be used at any time. Download pay it forward.pdf
Telling God's Story


Bible Study on Acts 8:26-40

This is a Bible study for small groups based on Acts 8:26-40. It is a fuller version of the bible study on pages 35-39 of the Exploring Evangelism booklet (which had to be edited for reasons of space). Download Acts bible study.pdf


Re-inhabiting the Easter Story

Here are a series of scripts and suggestions for an evening exploration of the Easter story on the premises of a local church. Download reinhabiting the Easter story.pdf


Community Work and Evangelism

This provides some ways of starting discussions about how Evangelism can be linked to community work in our churches and communities.A series of resource articles by Steve Summers are also under the THINK section Download community work and evangelism.pdf