Other Prayer Resources

Here are an expanding variety of resources which have not been produced by Vision4Life but which link into the year and are offered to enable further prayer activities through the year.

Prayer - the Walk of Encounter

These resources have been produced by Paul Stokes who is an ERA (Evangelism dunamis-logoand Renewal Advocate) for GEAR (Group for Evangelism And Renewal in the URC) and who also directs the Dunamis Project in the UK. He is a URC minister based in Plymouth. Prayer - the Walk of Encounter takes you on a short 'journey' using a handful of Scripture passages as focal points for prayer and reflection. the-walkadventcoverThe first is particularly linked with Advent.

Download prayer-walk-advent.pdf
Download prayer-walk-growing-with-jesus.pdf
Download prayer-walk-love.pdf
Download prayer-walk-stillness.pdf

Occupational Prayer Cycle

This booklet has prayers to be used in each week of the year. The prayers are for people at work (or not working), and have a spread of different occupations. These prayers are from South Yorkshire Workplace Chaplaincy.

Download opc.pdf

Extra Resources submitted by URC members
This section of materials contains items written by members of local United Reformed Churches. If you would like to submit a contribution for consideration, please email it to the Vision4Life Coordinator, Janet Lees, at admin@urc.org.uk

Gateways into Prayer

A Route Through the Walls on the Way

by Alasdair W MacKay

On any journey along any path at any time, we meet barriers and walls along the way – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This collection of meditations and reflections will, I hope, serve a dual purpose: to remind me of my experiences on this section of my journey, and to encourage anyone who travels along this way in future.

Download Gateways into Prayer compilation.pdf

Booklet of Everyday Prayers

By Jane Mortimer - minister of North Avenue, Trent Road, Writtle and Little Waltham Churches in the Chelmsford Area

I have written a selection of prayers on themes that I frequently pray. Writing them has helped me to express my feelings and clarify my thoughts. I hope they will help you too. It has been said that prayer is the power house of the Christian life. May you know God’s presence in your individual and corporate prayers.

Download Booklet of Every Day Prayers.pdf