Prayer Links

Here you will find some useful links to help stimulate your prayer activities. Vision4Life does not necessarily endorse all these external links. All links will open in a new window or tab.

247prayer 24/7 Prayer
This website of the 24/7 moment gives a lot of information about 24/7 world-wide. It also has a series of 'Frequently asked questions' that might help you if you are planning to join in the URC 24/7 prayer event.
WWDOP-logo Women's World Day of Prayer
ewn_title-e1-300x29 Seven Weeks for Water 2010: Holy Water
Make Lent a time to promote water justice and water as a human right. The weekly meditations for the seven weeks of Lent are a way of trying to raise awareness of water and justice around World Water Day on 22 March. Each week during Lent a short biblical meditation will be posted here along with some campaigning links and ideas.
campusnetworks The Campus Church movement
(a US initiative) has a 24/7 prayer ministry as part of its work. It can help you see one way of understanding and organising 24/7 prayer, particularly for students.
prayasyougo Pray as you go
This award winning website run by Jesuit Media Initiatives, based in London, offers a daily MP3 file with meditation, prayer and music including Gregorian Chant. You can either play on your computer or subscribe to a podcast. (Warning - watch how you pass your mouse over some of the icons as they automatically open a small window which blocks the page until you close it.)
InternationalPrayerCouncilLogo International Prayer Council
This organisation, based in South Africa, brings together a number of different prayer organisations and some may find their materials and links helpful.
Taize Taize Prayer and Song