
Welcome to the Prayer Year of Vision4Life, the second of three years that we hope will start to transform the United Reformed Church, and our partners, for mission. We began with the Bible Year, and hope you enjoyed making some discoveries to refresh how you see the Bible and your life together.

Advent Prayer Stations - Gospel Beginnings

These prayer stations have been produced by Dave Coaker, minister at Leyland and Penwortham, and provide a useful link between Prayer and Evangelism Years. There is a document for the text and another for setting up.

Download Prayer Stations Gospel beginnings.pdf

Download Prayer Stations Gospel beginnings - setup.pdf

Click the images below to link directly to the relevant page, or use the main menu at the top

Praying our days

Download PrayingOurDaysBooklet.pdf or by clicking the image to the right.

You can download the front page as a jpg image for posters etc. here

Building our relationship with Christ

In partnership with Vision4Life, the Nationwide Christian Trust have produced a booklet on the subject of prayer. It covers biblical teaching on prayer and includes a number of studies on the theme.

Copies are available for purchase through the NCT website.

Prayer toolkit

The toolkit includes resources and ideas to encourage you in your prayer life and offers suggestions to help you in personal, group or church prayer. The toolkit will be added to as the year goes on.

Items inlcude:

Prayer and the Bible - NEW Praying with psalms - Prayer Stations - Daily Prayer - Prayer Crafts - Breadmaking Prayer - Telephones, texts and emails - Listening in prayer - Praying hands - Examen Prayer (a type of Ignatian prayer) - Creating a Prayer Garden - Mourning prayer for those who are bereaved

Take a look at the menu to the right or click the top menu for fuller details.

Prayer Links

Here you will find a number of useful links to other sites offering prayer resources. Some of these are particular to such things as 24-7 prayer and Lent

Other resources

Some resources already used by other people have been submitted. Initially these include

  • The Occupational Prayer Cycle of the South Yorkshire Workplace Chaplaincy
  • Prayer – the walk of encounter, submitted by Dunamis & GEAR
  • Gateways to Prayer

You can access many of the resources by clicking the links above or using the top menu drop down options

If you’re new to Vision4Life you can find out more here