In this section there will be ideas and helps to enable churches to act and actually do something. They might be materials to aid us in evangelism, ideas to stimulate us, or examples of what other churches do.




How to help someone make a (further) commitment to Christ

Some notes to help you think through how you will accompany a friend as they take the next step closer to God. Download How to help ... commitment.pdf


Things that churches do

This is a series of documents relating to things that other churches do evangelistically, designed to inspire us towards similar activities.

Messy Church - This is one church's experience of doing Messy Church, an imaginative way to encourage children and parents to get to church for whom normal Sunday worship may be difficult. You can download the article to the right and also link to the Messy Church website here

Download ThingsChurchesDo_MessyChurch.pdf
Alpha - gives an example of one night at an Alpha course Download ThingsChDo_Alpha.pdf
HOTS - Healing On The Streets Download ThingsChDo_HOTS.pdf
Back to Church Sunday is now the largest single local-church invitational initiative in the world. It is based on the simplest and shortest step in evangelism - that we should invite someone we already know to something we love; invite our friend to our church.

Download back2church sunday.pdf
bags4life - This document tells you about one churches’ development an Eco-congregation that has had an effect on their town and their opportunities for evangelism. You might like to try something similar.   Download bags4life.pdf