24-7 Praying for your community


Here are some ideas for those wanting to pray for their local community during the 24-7 prayer event.



There are many different ways in which we can pray for our local community. Those suggested here are just a starting point. Please add to and alter them according to your situation.



  • Cut out some good and bad news stories about your area from the local newspaper
  • Write a list of the buildings around your church – or draw a diagram of your building and your neighbours –and put it on a large sheet of paper in the place where you’ll be praying
  • Visit the neighbours around your church, or the other people who use your building, and ask them for any prayer requests they may have
  • Ask if anyone in the congregation with local links in education, health, social services or other ways of helping people can suggest live issues your church could pray about
  • Invite those in your church to name one worry they have about their community and one hope they have for its future
  • Collect these on different coloured post-it notes and display them during your 24-7 prayer time so people can pray for these concerns