Summer Reading

Summer Reading for Bible Year

Why not let the Bible Year and Reform inform your summer time reading this year?There are an interesting number of books recently mentioned in Reform that link with the Bible Year which make good reading this summer. july_template.indd
jesusandeyewitness Featured in a recent Reform, Jesus and the Eye Witnesses won the Michael Ramsay prize for 2009. It considers the role of eyewitnesses in the forming the written gospels.
In this months summer time Reform for July and August there’s an interesting article by Eric Eve on Jesus as a healer, linked to his book The Healer of Nazareth. healerofnazareth
sisterssinai Another popular and rather different book is Sisters of Sinai. Janet Soskice writes the first to two articles about it in this month’s Reform. It is about the life and work of the two women who founded Westminster College, Cambridge and who were well known biblical scholars. It traces their journeys across the Middle East hunting for early biblical manuscripts. A real page-turner!

So why not spent some time reading this summer and plan some book group discussions linked to the bible Year this autumn.