All Age Materials

These are all age activities that are a bit alternative to the main courses. Fun for everyone! But please be patient - some of them are still cooking.

Getting creative with creation

This all age session makes use of multi-sensory techniques to discover new things about creation and is an alternative way into the main course "In the Beginning". Download the Getting creative with creation pdf

Who do you think you are - all age -

This is an all age version of one of the main courses which you can download, see Who do you think you are - all age pdf

The four friends -

This all age study explores the theme of friendship and inlcudes work-sheets for colouring in.

Download The Four Friends pdf

Select from the menu on the right or view the Bible Year Menu Card

Bible Smells

Exploring the variety of smells we encounter in the Bible and in our lives as a focus for sharing in faith and prayer.

Download the Bible Smells pdf