Film and the Bible

Here you will find some resources which can be used to link films that have been on general release and are now available on DVD, with biblical themes.

the-terminalThis is a Main course which can be used over 5 weeks, based on the film The Terminal. After a first week viewing and discussing the film, the course looks at themes of identity, loneliness, promises and  punishment & forgiveness. This course was originally offered for use during Lent but can be used at anytime.

Download The Terminal film course in pdf

Download The Terminal film course in Word

Big Screen Theology

Dave Hopwood of Lee Abbey in North Devon, an Anglican community, retreat and conference centre, has generously given permission for us to use his Big Screen Theology resource. It makes links between 52 films and bible passages and might be a useful resource for people who liked the Terminal bible study and want to take it further.

Download the Big Screen Theology pdf