Education & Learning

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Education and Learning supports people of all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds in the United Reformed Church in their whole-of-life discipleship journey as they explore and engage with their faith.

Enabling learning, ensuring access to it, providing quality resources, offering possibilities and opportunities, supporting study placements, training for different ministries - these are all aspects of the work of the Education and Learning department of the United Reformed Church. As many of these opportunities lead to specific ministries, we are increasingly working more closely with the Ministries Department within Church House to ensure that everything we offer and do is driven by joined up thinking around process and content.

The Education and Learning committee maintains strategic oversight of the Education and Learning department by liaison with relevant officers in synods and other Assembly committees; supporting Resource Centres for Learning (RCLs); providing programmes such as Stepwise and the Church Leadership Programme; and maintaining positive relationships with ecumenical partners. The committee supports the initial and ongoing professional development of Ministers of Word and SacramentsChurch Related Community WorkersAssembly-Accredited Lay Preachers, and other lay ministries including Eldership.

This is education and learning's PRIVACY NOTICE.

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