Prayer Crafts

Prayer Scrapbooking

During Bible Year we described an activity called Bible Scrapbooking. This is still available on the Bible Year part of the menu above. Scrapbooking is generally a very popular craft. If you have not tried this before you might want to look at the Bible Scrapbooking first. However, you can do this activity without having done Bible Scrapbooking. It is suitable for individuals or small groups.

Download Prayercrafts 1.pdf - Bible Scrapbooking

Download Accompanying Prayer Scrapbooking powerpoint

Prayer Garden

Explores the concept of a prayer garden as a space for prayer.

Download prayer garden.pdf

Prayer and Art

This material aims to provide some ways of exploring prayer with art or art with prayer. It is suitable for use by individuals or small groups.

Download Prayer Year and Art