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Education and Learning

Education and Learning

The Education & Learning Committee maintains strategic oversight of adult learning in the United Reformed Church. The Committee does this by keeping in close contact with relevant officers in Synods, by supporting four Resource Centres for Learning, by providing the Training for Learning and Serving (TLS) range of courses, and by maintaining positive relationships with ecumenical partners. Through careful combinations of finance and personnel, the Committee supports the initial and ongoing professional development of Ministers of Word and Sacraments, Church Related Community Workers, Assembly-Accredited Lay Preachers, and other lay ministries including Eldership.

Growing Wisdom video:

Find out more about the United Reformed Church (URC) Discipleship Development Fund and how to apply for it.

What is the fund?

Around £5,000 per award per year is available to recognised groups within the URC which can apply to the newly formed Discipleship Development Fund.

The fund is being used in two ways: one is the large grant award, and the other is small, individual grants of up to £200 per annum which is already being operated by Synods.

Grants can be put towards any purpose that will contribute to the development of lay people in or connected with the URC including personnel costs, facilities, travel, courses etc.

Multi-year projects can be supported for up to three years and a tapered approach to funding is encouraged.

Applications for grants that only partially fund a project are acceptable, but the application will need to identify the source of the other funds.

Who can apply for it?

Any recognised group can apply, but if the group applying is not an Assembly Committee or a Synod, the group will need to gain approval for its application from their Assembly Committee or Synod. Applicants will need to demonstrate how the grant will be used to develop discipleship within the URC.

For more information about the fund and who can apply for it, download the Discipleship Development Fund Policy (PDF | 133kb)

How to apply for the fund

Applications for the large grant award can be made by downloading and completing the simple form below and will be reviewed four times a year; at the end of March, June, September and December. Applicants will be notified of a decision by the end of the following month.

• Download the Discipleship Development Fund application form (PDF | 53kb)

EM1 booklets 2021 image

EM1 covers the period between acceptance for ministerial training following an assessment conference, training at a Resource Centre for Learning (RCL), and the satisfactory conclusion of that training for ministry, as agreed by the Assessment Board, leading to ordination/commissioning.


Here is a list of our current downloadable resources for 2021/22.

Education and Learning supports people of all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds in the United Reformed Church in their whole-of-life discipleship journey as they explore and engage with their faith.

Enabling learning, ensuring access to it, providing quality resources, offering possibilities and opportunities, supporting study placements, training for different ministries - these are all aspects of the work of the Education and Learning department of the United Reformed Church. As many of these opportunities lead to specific ministries, we are increasingly working more closely with the Ministries Department within Church House to ensure that everything we offer and do is driven by joined up thinking around process and content.

The Education and Learning committee maintains strategic oversight of the Education and Learning department by liaison with relevant officers in synods and other Assembly committees; supporting Resource Centres for Learning (RCLs); providing programmes such as Stepwise and the Church Leadership Programme; and maintaining positive relationships with ecumenical partners. The committee supports the initial and ongoing professional development of Ministers of Word and SacramentsChurch Related Community WorkersAssembly-Accredited Lay Preachers, and other lay ministries including Eldership.

This is education and learning's PRIVACY NOTICE.

For URC membership material visit here.

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