Resource Centres for Learning

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The United Reformed Church's engagement in adult learning is shaped by active ecumenical collaboration through relevant partnerships in England, Scotland and Wales.

The URC has three designated Resource Centres for Learning for the whole church, known popularly as Northern College, the Scottish College, and Westminster College who work together for discipleship development.  You may read more here: The work of RCLs.

The teaching staff of the Resource Centres for Learning offer learning opportunities to a wide range of people. They work together with synod and Assembly colleagues to enable effective development and delivery of relevant resources for United Reformed Church congregations.

The three colleges are also responsible for Education for Ministry Phase 1 (pre - ordination or pre - commissioning training) and provide these through a variety of means, including residential study, local tutorials, supervised placements, and supported distance learning.

                                                                                          Access for All                                                                                                   Each Resource Centre for Learning offers learning opportunities for those who are not seeking academic accreditiation. It is possible to attend individual classes or whole courses. Please follow the links below to your chosen RCL where you can find the most up-to-date information about courses and registration. 

 Resource Centres

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