Education for Ministry Phase 3

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EM3 is the third and lifelong learning phase of learning and development for recognised Ministers of Word and Sacrament and Church Related Community Workers in the United Reformed Church.

EM3 is the least structured EM phase, though some EM3 courses are mandatory. All three phases of Education for Ministry are to empower those in positions of responsibility in the URC to carry out the responsibilities in which they are engaged. Fundamentally, the URC believes that continuing professional development is part of what it is to be a minister.

EM3 is predominantly an education and learning approach to ministerial empowerment.  EM3 events or resources are those which help ministers to grow whilst anticipating that the achieved growth will benefit their place of ministry, will support their lifelong faith journeys and will encourage collegiality. Synod EM3 Officers usually work with EM3ers to create a personal development plan and to offer support considering development opportunities.

EM3 Guidelines give detailed information about learning opportunities and funding.

The Church Leadership ProgrammeCLP Logo

A key opportunity in EM3 is the Church Leadership Programme, a URC programme to help ministers, CRCWs and other church leaders develop resilient leadership skills whilst deepening self knowledge.   The programme is delivered using a mix of in-person and online learning, beginning with a residential weekend in September. This is followed by a series of online group sessions, accompanied reflection and an introduciton to a personal development project.  After a break over Christmas, participants attend a second residential weekend in early February again followed by some online sessions and accompanied reflection.  The programme concludes in June with a 24hr residential to draw all the threads together.

Full details of the programme for 2022/23 and how to apply can be found here.

An introductory video is here (NB.this was produced when the programme took place with a different pattern of learning - but the principles and content remain largely similar)

If you would like to discuss any aspects of the Church Leadership Programme, please send your email and telephone details to Philippa Linton. To be accepted on the programme you will need a recommendation from an authorised person in your synod, usually the Training or Development Officer.

The deadline for completed applications is  31 May, 2022.

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