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Walking the Way News

NHSAs part of national events celebrating the 70th birthday of the NHS in 2018, Castle Square United Reformed Church, Treforest and St David’s Uniting Church, Pontypridd, planned their own party as a way of showing their appreciation to the health service, its dedicated staff and founder Aneurin Bevan. The Revd Phill Wall, Minister of St David’s Uniting Church, who literally Walked the Way across Wales as part of the festivities shares his thoughts.

Read more: Walking the Way from Rhyl to Cardiff: A coast to coast mission to bless the NHS!

breakfastDespite positive and well received changes to its worship life, Wallasey Village United Reformed Church failed to attract young families. But after investing time to build relationships with people through a thriving ‘stay and play’ group meeting on the church premises, things turned around.

It became apparent through conversations with parents and carers that there was a need for appropriate, accessible and meaningful worship for families, which the regular Sunday morning service could not easily cater for. The gap is bridged through ‘Breakfast Church’ a family-friendly meeting that lasts for 45 minutes. It has no formal structure and no expectation of church experience.

Read more: Breakfast Church gives families a good start in Wallasey Village

bellinghamAfter being put together in 2013 to celebrate Christ Church United Reformed Church’s 90th birthday, the Bellingham Community Gospel Choir has grown from strength to strength. Choir member, the Revd Fiona Thomas, who is also the URC’s Secretary for Education and Learning, said the initial goal of the choir, which started very small before growing, was to sing at the Bellingham Festival. She explains how much the participants liked being part of the choir.

Read more: Hope and joy for Bellingham through community gospel choir


Walking the Way has produced a Bible Study resource, 'Companions on the Way', to help congregations explore the significance of the Emmaus story from the Gospel of Luke in our own Walk with Jesus today.

On the road to Emmaus, the friends of Jesus come across something which forces them to STOP in their tracks, LOOK at what is being revealed to them, LISTEN to the word of God in fresh, new ways and, having gone through this reflective process, WALK forward in the way which God has guided them towards.local congregations explore the Emmaus story from the gospel of Luke, an account which highlights the main challenges of Walking the Way of Jesus.

Read more: Companions on the Way: Exploring the Emmaus Story

Jim Mackerness news bannerThe United Reformed Church (URC) has more than 600 active ministers across England, Wales and Scotland.

Many work in churches, but a variety work in other settings that include universities, prisons, the armed forces, hospitals, and other work-based chaplaincies.

The Revd John Mackerness, is a full-time chaplain at Heathrow Airport. More than 75,000 people work there and last year, more than 80 million passengers passed through it. John explains what his ministry entails.

Read more: Walking the Way as an airport chaplain

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