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Walking the Way News

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Every month, a member of the URC's Chruch-Related community Work (CRCW) team writes a reflection on their work to equip people for living out their faith in the everyday communities around them. All of these are worth reading, but this month's reflection, from Marie Trubic, who is based at the Priesthill and Shawlands URCs project in Glasgow, is especially significant in encouraging us to live the life of Jesus today.

Marie reflects on our fear of change, as individuals or as part of a larger group and how this can really inhibit us from greater opportunities and stronger bonds with those around us.

Marie starts by describing a scenario regarding the large, imposing, padlocked metal gates that stand boldly at the entrance to the Church grounds. How nice it would be, Marie thought, if those gates could remain open? This became a hot topic of debate, as the congregation feared the worst with regards to vandalism and theft. Eventually, the gates were kept open on a trial period and the experience made Marie realise that:

"... often fear – or our perception of the unknown and danger prevents us, as individual Christians and as congregations reaching out to and engaging with our neighbours and communities. It sometimes prevents us claiming what God has in store for us."

To read Marie's full reflection and to find out what 'giants' (as the title says) has to do with the church gate and it's large, uninviting padlock, read here.

(Photo by Katie Drazdauskaite on Unsplash)

Read more: Giant gates in Glasgow opened wide

RokerThe seaside town of Roker in Sunderland faces a range of social issues. With the support of church-related community worker (CRCW), Helen Stephenson, the elders and members of Roker United Reformed Church came to appreciate the vital need to engage with the local community, specifically with the most vulnerable, in order to truly Walk the Way of Jesus by putting faith into action. Following Helen’s departure, the work continues to grow.

The church’s success has come, not because it has a lot of people or money, but as a result of its willingness to build relationships and connections with organisations in the local area to offer support, love and compassion in partnership with others.

Read more: Church at centre of Roker community helps everyone to grow

Josh TInspired to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, the Revd Josh Thomas announced to his family at the age of 11 that he wanted to become a church minister. Years later, now serving with Petersfield and Liss URC, he looks back at the paths which have led him here, reflecting on God’s continuous presence throughout his journey.

My childhood sense of calling to the ministry of word and sacraments, inspired by my grandfather who was a URC minister, soon faded as my dream of being a rock star took over. That is, until I took part in a trip with Commitment for Life, the United Reformed Church’s international development organisation, to Jamaica, at the age of 17. As I learned more about the work which the organisation supports, I was inspired by so many of the people I met and the strong faith they showed, despite the very little they had by way of material things. From this time on, I felt God challenging me to think about my calling.

Read more: Following in Faith: Josh's Story

ladiresbreakfastAt first, the staff at a local coffee shop in Winscombe, Somerset, were surprised to see a group of ladies nattering, sharing stories and praying together once a month. Yet helpfully, they agreed to open half an hour earlier to enable Lynch Chapel United Reformed Churchs Ladies Prayer Breakfast to keep going over the past three years.

As the women gather to share in fellowship, food and conversation, the focus is on sharing concerns for local people, whether connected with the church or not, thinking about the best course of action to address community issues, and preparing a list of people and issues for every participant to take away and pray for at home.

Read more: Ladies’ prayer breakfast helps community members

NairnIn response to the rollout of Universal Credit in the Scottish Highland town of Nairn, the local United Reformed Church sought a creative way of dealing with some of its well-documented negative effects, especially amongst the poorest in society and those who work to support them.

The serious concerns surrounding Universal Credit are well-known, as shown by the Joint Public Issues Team. It’s no wonder that Nairn URC members were concerned at the news of its introduction in their town. They knew something had to be done.

Read more: Citizens Advice Bureau staff and clients empowered by local church action

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