Breakfast Church gives families a good start in Wallasey Village

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breakfastDespite positive and well received changes to its worship life, Wallasey Village United Reformed Church failed to attract young families. But after investing time to build relationships with people through a thriving ‘stay and play’ group meeting on the church premises, things turned around.

It became apparent through conversations with parents and carers that there was a need for appropriate, accessible and meaningful worship for families, which the regular Sunday morning service could not easily cater for. The gap is bridged through ‘Breakfast Church’ a family-friendly meeting that lasts for 45 minutes. It has no formal structure and no expectation of church experience.

Each service has a theme around which craft activities, a story, action songs and prayers are organised. This all contributes to the beautiful chaos of worship, accompanied by the children with their singing and a variety of musical instruments.

Sharing a simple breakfast is a brilliant way of bringing everyone together, but, due to the limiting nature of the sanctuary, needs to be held in one of the side rooms. This has led the church to plan a refurbishment of the sanctuary space to accommodate the needs of this emerging church.

At the moment, Breakfast Church meets monthly, but, at the request of parents, there are plans to increase this to twice a month. One parent commented: ‘It is lovely to have something worthwhile to bring my family to.’

A simple act, living out the Holy Habit of Eating Together met the needs of families in a community. What could your church do in response to the needs of parents, carers, children and young people in your community? Let us know.

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