Prayer Stations

Prayer Stations

This encourages groups to set up local prayer stations and provides a range of resources for use at these.

You can download the Prayer Station guide below but the associated resources are on a separate page, also linked below.

Download prayer-station1.pdf
Access addition Prayer Station resources here

Pieces from Life

This is a selection of reflections and pictures by Heather Whyte - Evangelism and Communications Enabler for the South Western Synod. Each reflection is a separate pdf.

Download A million love songs with photo.pdf
Download Dont let the sun go down with photo.pdf
Download Im feeling good with photo.pdf
Download Songs from the sea of life with picture.pdf
Download The fabric of love with picture.pdf

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Prayer and the Bible

Jesus and the church at prayer - a bible study

This bible study for prayer year, written by John Campbell, examines Jesus and the church at prayer and invites a conversation about prayer. It draws on everyone’s own experience of prayer (whatever it may be) to help with a shared investigation of stories about praying in Luke’s Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles.

Download Jesus and the church at prayer study1.pdf

Praying with the Bible

There is no right or wrong way to pray with the Bible. Here are two of the many approaches that have been practiced and adapted for centuries.

Download praying-with-the-bible.pdf

Bible storytelling

This explores how bible storytelling can be a starting point for meditation and prayer.

Download bible-storytelling.pdf

Praying with the Lord

This conversation invites a fresh exploration of the Lord’s Prayer. The writer provides three points of reflection and discussion about the Lord’s Prayer that could be used for a discussion group, a reflective service of worship or by individuals who may want to note their thoughts and reactions in their prayer journal.

Download lords-prayer.pdf

Praying honestly with psalms

This study explores being honest with God in prayer using the Psalms as a guide. It can be used individually, in a group or as a basis for worship.

Download praying with psalms.pdf

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2120 Hits

TLS Gateways into Evangelism

Mothering Sunday

It can be quite a challenge to produce a service for Mothering Sunday, which falls mid-way through Lent. In this document you will find an order of service, suggested prayers, reflections and activities and a letter of invitation that you may adapt to your own situation.

Download mothering sunday.pdf
These are  rewritten versions of the accompanying bible stories

Download stories for MotheringSunday.pdf
Oxfam are suggesting we use mothers day as a opportunity to raise (political) awareness about maternal health. The aim is to lobby to encourage politicians to ensure we meet Millennium Development Goal 5 to reduce the maternal mortality rate by three-quarters between 1990 and 2015. The suggestion is that the children send a mothers day card to make sure they know how important the health of newborn babies and their mothers around the world is.
Click here for more details

Praying with Pretzels

This activity is a variation on the bread making prayer in the Prayer toolkit and explores pretzel making as a prayerful activity during Lent. Pretzels are originally Lent food – not the little ones that we buy as snacks from the supermarket, but big soft breads in the same shape.

Download praying with pretzels.pdf

Wilderness God

Going into the wilderness, desert or wild place is a theme often visited in Lent. Here are some prayers around that theme that could be used by individuals or groups.

Download wilderness god.pdf

Lenten Reflections

There are two documents here. The first is a selection of 3 reflections for use in Lent.

Download lenten reflections.pdf
The second is a large collection of reflections and prayers for Lent, offered by the Silence and Retreats Group - a veritable gold-mine of useful materials.

Download Lenten Reflections SRCollection.pdf

Lent and Easter Prayer Stations

Here are some prayer stations which can be used during Lent or the run up to Easter. They might also be useful for those doing the 24/7 prayer event in Holy Week.

Download Lent Easter prayer stations.pdf

Lent and Easter Meals

This material offers a plan for five meals to share during Lent. You might want to use these meals as a time of preparation on the run up to the 24/7 prayer initiative in Holy Week
Download Lent meals.pdf
Download Lent Meals booklet version.pdf

Counting the cost

Counting the Cost, an exciting new Lenten resource from Commitment for Life

Download Do something positive this Lent.pdf or link directly to the Commitment for life site below

Holy Week Prayers

This material provides some prayers and meditation that can be used by individuals or groups during Holy Week. The week is divided into two to cover the first and last half of Holy Week.

Download Holy Week prayers a - first half.pdf
Download Holy Week prayers b - second half.pdf

Worst Week

Some bible and prayer material to help you to reflect on the beginning of Holy Week. We know that at the end of this week we will have cause for celebration – but we also know that our celebration will be empty and just about meaningless unless we first walk with Jesus through the fear and the betrayal and the pain of Holy Week.

Download worst week.pdf

Easter Day

A reflection for Easter Day for use by individuals or groups.

Download Easter Day.pdf

Resurrection Sketch

To provide reflection on the story of the Resurrection for an all-age service for Easter

Download resurrection sketch.pdf

A friend who walks our way

To explore our understanding of mission in light of the Emmaus story and to examine how we can respond to this in prayer.

Download a friend who walks our way.pdf
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Prayer Year Menu

The selections below will take you direct to the downloadable resources but it is recommended that you first visit the Prayer Year pages using the main menu above or by clicking the images to find summaries of each resource and links to additional items needed for some of the resources
Looking towards Advent
NEW Download Advent Candles.pdf
Prayer Stations - Gospel Beginnings
Prayer Stations - Gospel Beginnings set up
Prayer and the Bible
Jesus and the church at prayer study1
Praying with the bible
Bible storytelling
Lords prayer
Praying with psalms
Prayer Station including
Pieces for Life and Prayer Stations for Climate Change
Prayer station1
Patterns of Prayer including
Daily prayer and A simple pattern
Prayer Crafts
Prayercrafts 1
Prayer garden
Prayer Year and Art
Other Prayer Toolkit items
Prayer walk Growing with Jesus
Prayer walk - Love
Prayer walk - Stillness
Gateways into Prayer
Booklet of Every Day Prayers
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Prayer Year Image Gallery

This is a selection of the images produced for the Vision4Life Prayer Year. Click on any image to view and right click on the resulting image to download.
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Click on the images below from the bible year to download and use

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Prayer Station Resource

Click the thumbnails below to download the graphics to go with Prayer Stations. Please note that these files are between 4 and 8Mb.

Kings Cross
New Prayer 1
New Prayer 2

Town 2

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Other Prayer Resources

Here are an expanding variety of resources which have not been produced by Vision4Life but which link into the year and are offered to enable further prayer activities through the year.

Prayer - the Walk of Encounter

These resources have been produced by Paul Stokes who is an ERA (Evangelism and Renewal Advocate) for GEAR (Group for Evangelism And Renewal in the URC) and who also directs the Dunamis Project in the UK. He is a URC minister based in Plymouth. Prayer - the Walk of Encounter takes you on a short 'journey' using a handful of Scripture passages as focal points for prayer and reflection. The first is particularly linked with Advent.

Download prayer-walk-advent.pdf
Download prayer-walk-growing-with-jesus.pdf
Download prayer-walk-love.pdf
Download prayer-walk-stillness.pdf

Occupational Prayer Cycle

This booklet has prayers to be used in each week of the year. The prayers are for people at work (or not working), and have a spread of different occupations. These prayers are from South Yorkshire Workplace Chaplaincy.

Download opc.pdf

Extra Resources submitted by URC members
This section of materials contains items written by members of local United Reformed Churches. If you would like to submit a contribution for consideration, please email it to the Vision4Life Coordinator, Janet Lees, at

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Seasons - Advent & Christmas

Seasonal Prayer material

Designed to provide prayer ideas for specific times of the year. Some will also have a wider relevance so could be used at any time e.g. during advent we reflect on the themes of waiting and hope, summer provides input on healing and retreats and Harvest focuses on prayer for evangelism.

Advent & Christmas

Our first season looks forward to Advent and Christmas, though there are a number of resources already there as the season progresses this will be added to.

Prayer Station for Advent

Here is a group of ideas, which can be used together; stand alone or as part of a bigger event during advent that will help you set up a series of prayer stations.

Download advent-prayer-station.pdf

Ipswich Road URC, Norwich have produced a small 3 fold card to go with the Advent Prayer Stations

Download AdventPrayerStationsCard.pdf

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Prayer Toolkit

This includes resources and ideas to encourage you in your prayer life and offers suggestions to help you in personal, group or church prayer. The toolkit will be added to as the year goes on.

Various ideas are directly on this page, but pages for specific prayer themes are on a sub-menu above, or you can go direct to them from here.

Prayer and the Bible - Various bible studies on prayer

Prayer Stations - this also includes prayer stations for climate change

Prayer Crafts - some ideas for practical exercises, not all of them indoors

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3024 Hits


Welcome to the Prayer Year of Vision4Life, the second of three years that we hope will start to transform the United Reformed Church, and our partners, for mission. We began with the Bible Year, and hope you enjoyed making some discoveries to refresh how you see the Bible and your life together.

Advent Prayer Stations - Gospel Beginnings

These prayer stations have been produced by Dave Coaker, minister at Leyland and Penwortham, and provide a useful link between Prayer and Evangelism Years. There is a document for the text and another for setting up.

Download Prayer Stations Gospel beginnings.pdf

Download Prayer Stations Gospel beginnings - setup.pdf

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Exploring Evangelism Audio Files

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A Guide to using this site

A Guide to using this site

This guide is designed as a help to anyone wanting to find their way around this site.

Generally links which lead to another page or a document are in blue and underlined. Sometimes there will be no underlining such as in the Bible Year menu on the right of the page. This may display differently in other browsers and will work adequately in Internet Explorer and Safari, but the recommended browser is Firefox. You can get a copy free here The home page is laid out into several main areas, and the top and right hand side areas remain throughout the rest of the site except when you click a pdf document.

Below the top Vision4Life banner is the Main Menu. When you hover your mouse over these headings you can click to that main page heading. One some headings, a further drop down menu will appear and you can slide your mouse pointer down that list and click any sub heading. On some, such as the Bible year menu, a further set of headings will appear to the side which you can also click on.

On the right you will find another menu for this years materials. This will be added to as new materials appear so you can do a quick scan to see if there is anything new that you have not seen yet.

Below this there are two further boxes. The contents of these may vary from time to time but may contain such things as Recent News, coming events, information about Forums and signing up, and other special announcements.

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1940 Hits

U turn for climate change

U turn for climate change

Climate change has become an important subject for all the world’s people. It is therefore particularly important that those of us who live in the substantially richer Western countries spend some time thinking about it and acting on what we discover. It is with this need in mind that this Bible study is offered here.

Download u-turn-for-climate-change

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1625 Hits


Forums are on the way

We are still trying to set up a new forum on this site so please bear with us - we hope to give you a chance to have your say very soon. In the meantime if you want to feedback on any part of the site, please go to the Contact Us page on the main menu, or the Feedback page under Bible Year.

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466 Hits

Bible Picnic

Bible Picnic

Would you like to explore the Bible outdoors for the end of the summer – or even the autumn. This could be anything from extreme Bible-ing, where you read the Bible in a range of highly inaccessible places (like extreme ironing but don’t take the clothes, the ironing board or the iron) or something as straightforward as a Bible picnic. After all, eating together outside often features in the Gospels, so why not try it your selves.

Download the pdf document bible-picnic

Download picnic-booklet-a5-low-res an example of a Picnic in the Park, organised by Waverley URC

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Summer Reading

Summer Reading for Bible Year

Why not let the Bible Year and Reform inform your summer time reading this year?There are an interesting number of books recently mentioned in Reform that link with the Bible Year which make good reading this summer.
Featured in a recent Reform, Jesus and the Eye Witnesses won the Michael Ramsay prize for 2009. It considers the role of eyewitnesses in the forming the written gospels.
In this months summer time Reform for July and August there’s an interesting article by Eric Eve on Jesus as a healer, linked to his book The Healer of Nazareth.
Another popular and rather different book is Sisters of Sinai. Janet Soskice writes the first to two articles about it in this month’s Reform. It is about the life and work of the two women who founded Westminster College, Cambridge and who were well known biblical scholars. It traces their journeys across the Middle East hunting for early biblical manuscripts. A real page-turner!

So why not spent some time reading this summer and plan some book group discussions linked to the bible Year this autumn.

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2003 Hits

Contact Us

Contact us through the following emails

General enquiries can now be made through the Secretary for Mission Francis Brienen 

Technical enquiries relating to the website

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1259 Hits

Will you follow me? Exploring the Gospel of Mark review

Will you follow me? Exploring the Gospel of Mark, by Leith Fisher (2003)
Scottish Christian Press, £11.99     ISBN 1904325033

Actually published in 2003, this book is just what you need for the Vision4life Bible Year. So if you already have a copy, dig it out again, and if not – get one!
You see it happens that during Vision4life Bible Year the lectionary gospel is Mark. That means you need at least one or two good Mark books to get you through. But which ones? If you like ones with loads of footnotes, you’ll hate this. There are none. If you want an energetic, relevant and down to earth look at Mark’s gospel in a highly readable and applicable style, then choose this.
Leith is an experienced Church of Scotland minister and member of the Iona Community. Both of these facts shine through the book. His own experience of ministry and his commitment to discipleship through the Iona Community inform it all. This makes the book highly relevant for people trying to do ministry and discipleship during Bible Year.
He begins by stating the central question of Mark’s gospel: Who is Jesus? Having begun with that he follows it up with: So what? In other words, who we think Jesus is will inform both ministry and discipleship. It matters who we think Jesus is because it shapes what we do in response. Each section of the gospel is presented in a bite-sized chunks; good for sermons, for talks for discussion groups or individual reflection.
Leith provides plenty of ideas about what to do with Mark’s gospel. Indeed this is one of the best things about the book. It’s like a Bible Year Menu in one cover. Both individual and group study activities based on Mark’s gospel are provided at the end of each short chapter. These could easily become the Nibbles and Starters (in Bible Year menu language) that you will want to use in your own context. There is also additional material entitled ‘Pauses’ which explore in more detail a particular issue or theme relevant to that section of the text.
Overall, Leith’s book is ideal for the Bible Year. As he says ‘We believe the church is always in need of reform and renewal. Share together what you think might need to be changed today to make the church true to its calling and relevant to our times. Begin with the local. And be bold!’ (page 104).
With this book you will be in good company all year as you respond to the question ‘Will you follow me?’
Janet Lees
Loving God, take our hands, take our lives,
ordinary as wheat or oatmeal, daily as bread –
our stumbling generosity, our simple actions,
and find them good enough to help prepare the feast
for all your people.
Christian Aid, from page 113 Will you follow me?

Download this Will you follow me? Exploring the Gospel of Mark review (pdf)

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