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Walking the Way News

One of the ways in which West Midlands Synod has been supporting people in living out their faith in everyday life is through the production of “Walking the Way Together” booklets, which help people to recognise God’s presence where they are, in their home, in their town, in their village, whatever their context may be. Retired minister Diana Cullum-Hall spoke with Simon Peters, Walking the Way project manager, about the impact of these booklets:

If you have a story about how your local church of synod has helped you to live out your faith in everyday life, please e-mail or call 020 7520 2718. We’d love to hear from you.

mead rAs Newport Pagnell United Reformed Church progresses its plans to build a community centre to cater for the needs of families, people with disabilities and many others in the local area, Victoria Paulding of the Mead Centre Vision Team explains the significance of looking outwards, beyond the walls of church buildings, in living the life of Jesus today:

When I started attending Newport Pagnell United Reformed Church, the vision of the Mead Centre hooked me almost immediately. The aim is to provide a space in our local area that supports those who have nowhere else to go in our town. Those with addictions, those who are lonely, those who are hungry, those with additional needs or living with dementia. All of these people are often ignored, and we want to bring an end to that.

Read more: Newport Pagnell URC seeks to “be the presence of Jesus, not simply talk about it”

yourchurch rMuch has happened during lockdown to help Christians keep worshipping during lockdown, bringing an important gap. But what about discipleship? How have these opportunities helped people to continue growing in their faith and living it out in their everyday reality?

Debs Brooks explains how her involvement in an emerging online congregation has helped her and her family ‘live the life of Jesus today’.

Read more: Moving from online worship to online discipleship

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