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Walking the Way News


Christmas dinner was on Jesus when Bolton churches fed 5,000 people with a bumper Christmas meal over the festive period. More than 2,560 chocolate selection boxes were also gifted to children. Christmas might have been different this year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns, but the Christian story was still the same.

Simon Peters, walking the way project manager, has been moved by the creativity and ingenuity which local churches have shown during these strange times. ‘Covid-19 is not easy to deal with’, he says, ‘but the call for us all to Walk the Way of Jesus continues, and churches are answering it!’

Read more: ‘2020 Christmas was different, but the story was the same’

present rFor over 10 years, Churches Together in Bookham has worked with the local traders to organise a Late Night Shopping evening, including stalls in the Baptist Church and a display of Christmas trees, decorated by many local organisations, in St Nicolas’ Parish Church. With this format coming to an end, and the onslaught of Covid-19 preventing other events from happening, new ways of sharing the love of Jesus at Christmas had to be found for this year. Having seen it done successfully in other places, the idea of ‘Christmas in a box’ seemed like a good alternative.

Read more: Hope and joy: Bookham and Leatherhead churches work together to make a difference

Revd Kate Gray shows us round the grounds of the Dandelion Community URC in Wythenshawe, Manchester, explaining what the church is doing to tackle climate change in ways which meet the needs of people in the local area, being the presence of Jesus in the local community:

How is your church being the presence of Jesus in your community? Let us know so we can share good news and practice together.

Andrew Roberts, author of Holy Habits, speaks with Stuart Radcliffe, Missional Discipleship Enabler for Mersey Synod, about how to continue living out our faith in times of isolation:

Holy Habits is a book and set of resources which are highly recommended by the Walking the Way steering group in embedding vital elements of discipleship. Visit the Holy Habits website to learn how you and your church can get involved.

As part of Yorkshire Synod’s focus on Leading Your Church into Growth, a series of video conversations about discipleship are being released regularly. Here is one with Ashley Evans, Synod Evangelist, and John Rider, Pastor of Holme URC in Bradford, talking about the importance of patience in building good relationships with people in sharing the love of Jesus, especially in lockdown.

Read more: Video conversations inspire discipleship in Yorkshire

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