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Walking the Way News

2020 03 23rKevin Snyman, Programme Manager for Commitment for Life, kicks off a series of reflections on what it means to Walk the Way in different areas of life, beginning with God’s Economy.

Read Luke 12: 19-26

Have you ever thought about whether there will be money in the kingdom of God? Many Christians intuitively answer, “No, I think not,” but struggle to say why they feel this way. Jesus had a lot to say about money, but it is not always easy to understand him. Money, to be frank, dominates almost every aspect of our lives today.

Read more: Walking the Way of God’s Economy

2020 03 16r‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.’ – Margaret Mead. This is something that the elders of Gatley URC know only too well as they lead the way in looking outwards from the church building into the life and needs of the surrounding community.

Following a bequeath of £500,000, it was clear that something had to be done to encourage more people to become involved with the church, and so a community space was built, making full use of the building’s long, bright corridors and hall spaces to create a warm, welcoming environment for everyone to enjoy.

Read more: Small group makes big impact on the Way in Gatley

2020 03 02rThe Ark pre-school at Abbots Road URC in Leicestershire has, at its core, a team of dedicated lay people who keep the love of God at the heart of all they do. As disciples of Jesus, they seek to offer a happy and safe space for all children to learn and grow at an important, formative stage of their lives. The empowerment of lay people has been vital to both The Ark and the church’s success.

Over the past decade or so, there have been some big changes. The church has been without a minister, dedicated and much-loved members of the congregation have passed away or moved to pastures new, the church has engaged with the Mission-Shaped Introduction course and fresh forms of worship have been trialled at different points throughout the week. All of this has led to a much greater desire to understand the needs of church members and to be more responsive to them.

Read more: Once empowered, lay people won’t step back

2020 02 24rWith lots of change in the air, it can be hard for some congregations to know how to respond, especially with ageing congregations and limited resources. One thing that never changes, though, is the importance of sharing food. In understanding this, members of Wigston Magna URC in South Leicestershire live out their discipleship through hospitality.

Alongside its Sunday worship services and longstanding, active Girls’ and Boys’ brigade companies, which help children and young people to grow as everyday disciples of Jesus, the church hosts regular coffee mornings and afternoon tea events which bring members of the church together with people from across the community to share in fellowship.

Read more: Holy Habit of Eating Together very much alive in Wigston Magna

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