Real ale, real life, real church

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2020 02 03rLiving the life of Jesus today means recognising and responding to God’s presence in our everyday reality. For many people, one of the most important parts of that reality in terms of social interaction, fellowship, relaxation and joy, comes in the form of the pub. And, like everywhere else in creation, God is very much there, as the young adults of St David’s Uniting Church in Pontypridd are well aware.

Church buildings and times of gathered worship are designed to help us take time out of our busy lives to focus on God and prepare ourselves to go back out into the world, renewed in ours sense of God’s call for our lives, reenergised for service and reinvigorated in our passions.

As they gather for ‘On Tap’ a pub church which they’ve set up with the support of the congregation at St David’s, young adults are able explore questions of faith, the universe, morality and life together in a warm, welcoming, familiar place with people they trust as they enjoy a drink together. For them, this exploration of faith in the everyday reality they face brings them much closer to each other and to God than anything else could.

The conversations are shaped by the participants themselves, so neither is there any pressure on them to come to any particular conclusion in their discussions, nor limitations to the topics they can address. With some principles, in line with Christian thinking, in place, including respect for each other, challenging issues rather than individuals and genuinely seeking to understand opinions different to their own, the group can support each other in asking, thinking about and responding to the things that matter most to them, especially when it comes to faith, as well as support those in the group who wish to deepen their relationship with God, or walk further along the Way of Jesus. With all of this taking place in a public place, the very word ‘pub’ coming form public house, others who are gathered are also able to take part without having to enter a strange space or carry out any unknown rituals. This is truly Church where the people are.

Far from being something which St David’s merely allows to happen in the church’s name, or considers to be something that’s done in order to ‘get the young folk in’, this venture and all those involved with it are a full part of the life and witness of the congregation. Earlier this year, the young adults of ‘On Tap’ led Sunday worship at St David’s, inviting the Sunday congregation to experience a bit of what goes on at ‘On Tap’ and also for the young people to experience a bit of what a church service looks like. This intergenerational encounter was much enjoyed by everyone in attendance, with more planned in future.

Every community has a local pub, social club, café or somewhere where people gather. Where are those places in your community? What could you do to enable people to explore questions of faith in these everyday locations? Walking the Way’s ‘A night out with Jesus’ resource, which played a significant role in setting up ‘On Tap’, could help start the conversation.

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