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Witness banner credit Elizabeth Gray KingThe Revd Elizabeth Gray-King, United Reformed Church Programme Officer for Education and Learning, reflects on the meaning of Easter Sunday.

Easter, oh, Easter. Resurrection Sunday. The stunning annual festival of forgiveness power and beautiful transformation reminds us that we are made new again. The Easter liturgy and events, retold in any way, tell us each year that no matter how dead we have felt, no matter how overwhelmed in a tomb-like hold we have been, no matter how we feel or know we almost died, we are able to deeply live again. Easter is what happened to Jesus, and because of Jesus, it happens to us.

Read more: Relive the resurrection this Easter

Christ cruxifixtion credit Raheel Shakeel pixabayThe Revd Clare Downing, Moderator-elect for the United Reformed Church General Assembly reflects on the mental health of some of the Good Friday characters.

Lately, whenever I listen to the news, the focus always seems to be about uncertainty of the future.

Recently The Guardian reported that of the 2000 people surveyed, a staggering 64% said their mental health was being affected by our political situation.

Read more: Exploring the emotional impact of Good Friday

Sunrise open tomb easter news bannerKaren Campbell, a United Reformed Church Related Community Worker (CRCW) reflects on Jesus' sacrifice in a poem entitled 'Was It Worth It?

Tell me, was it worth it,
all the things that you went through -  
the scorn, abuse, and loneliness,
the mockery you knew?
The pain you took upon yourself
for those who hung you high?
Tell me, was it worth it?
Were they worth it?
Lord, am I?

Read more: 'Was It Worth It?' a poem for Easter Sunday

The last supper original debby hudson 589680 unsplash 1The Revd Fiona Thomas, United Reformed Church Secretary for Education and Learning, reflects on a symbolic act for Maundy Thursday.

On 11 April, political leaders of South Sudan attended a two-day ecumenical spiritual retreat hosted by Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Organised in an effort to support the country’s fragile peace deal, Pope Francis shocked the Church and political leaders when he stooped and kissed the Sudanese leaders’ feet, deliberately echoing the foot washing story in the Gospel of John.

Read more: Maundy Thursday: betrayal, desertion and reconciliation

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