'Was It Worth It?' a poem for Easter Sunday

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Sunrise open tomb easter news bannerKaren Campbell, a United Reformed Church Related Community Worker (CRCW) reflects on Jesus' sacrifice in a poem entitled 'Was It Worth It?

Tell me, was it worth it,
all the things that you went through -  
the scorn, abuse, and loneliness,
the mockery you knew?
The pain you took upon yourself
for those who hung you high?
Tell me, was it worth it?
Were they worth it?
Lord, am I?

Tell me, was it worth it?
Yes, they knew not what they did -
fickle and misguided,
from their eyes your truth was hid.
But surely you'd have hoped by now
our minds would open wide,
so truth and hope and justice
never more be crucified.

My God, oh was it worth it
when you see our world today?
For us you gave your everything -
the 'us' who turn away;
Who find our worth in worldly wealth,
in politics and power;
and offer only sheepish prod
'gainst evil's looming tower.

Tell me, was it worth it, 
would you do it all again?
Put your very self upon the line
to bear this people's pain?
Still fickle and still foolish -
blind leading blind till all are lost,
and it seems that hope is fading -
was 'this' really worth the cost?

Oh Lord, I wouldn't do it
and I cannot think now why
your all was given for 'Hosanna!'
Instant turned to 'Crucify!'
For hearts which still stay hardened;
minds like tombs, the stones in place,
denying life for self and others
and rejecting still your grace.

Yet I think I hear you speaking
even 'midst the doubts and shame, 
not judging or condemning,
simply calling out my name.
You say: "In answer to your question,
tho I see more than you do,
in a breath I'd do it all again.
It was for this. It was for you."

So as Easter comes around,
as I consider cross and grave,
and I simply can't help wond'ring
"Was it worth all that you gave?"
May my pond'ring turn to action
born from love you've shown for me,
helping roll away the stones of death
till life and hope flow free.

© Karen Campbell, 2019

Picture: The open tomb. Jeff Jacobs/Pixabay
Published: 21 April 2019

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