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Why read Reform?

Reform has been out and about meeting readers. Hear why they read the magazine, how it’s used in their church – and what they’ve read that they completely disagree with. Listen now – and give Reform your own feedback here

Spread the word about Past Case Review

Learn from the past and make the future better’ – that’s the challenge to the URC from Dr Lisa Oakley, in the light of the denomination’s Past Case Review (PCR), now running to 30 June 2017. Dr Oakley is leader of the UK’s only undergraduate course in Abuse Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University. In this podcast she asks everyone in the URC to tell others about the Review. Listen now – and read more here.

Don't lose Reform!

Listen to Reform magazine’s Editor (Steve Tomkins) and the communications committee convenor (Peter Knowles) explain the importance of buying Reform. Don’t take Reform for granted! Subscribe here (http://www.reform-magazine.co.uk/subscribe/) from just £18. Read it, buy it, don’t lose Reform.

What are your strengths?

How can you plan for change without getting despondant about all the things that must be changed? Appreciative Inquiry begins by asking questions about the strengths that a community already has, and builds from there. The Revd Fiona Thomas talks about the power of Appreciative Inquiry for United Reformed churches.

God's abundance, our generosity

In conversation with Lawrence Moore, Director of the Windermere Centre. The centre was facing financial collapse until they decided to give everything away. Find how the 'pay what you can' model has worked.

Fresh Expressions

Some of the most exciting developments in church growth and mission come from the Fresh Expressions movement. Kenwyn Pierce talks to the United Reformed Church's Linda Rayner about her role in supporting new forms of church. http://www.freshexpressions.org.uk/

Poet and minister, Lucy Berry

Kenwyn Pierce talks to Lucy Berry about her calling to be a poet and minister

David Grosch-Miller in Papua New Guinea

This is the first part of two episodes talking to the Revd David Grosch-Miller about his visits to partner churches in Papua New Guinea and Korea. In this first episode we talk about adjusting to new experiences, engaging with unfamiliar cultures and appreciating the diversity of God's church.

Climate change in Pacific island nations

Kenwyn Pierce speaks to guests from two of our Pacific Island partner churches – the Revd Maleta Tenten, Secretary for Mission in the Kiribati Uniting Church, and Mr Maina Talia, climate change officer in the Tuvalu Christian Church. As low-lying nations of very small islands in a very broad ocean, Kiribati and Tuvalu are extremely vulnerable to climate change. They discuss the effects of the changing climate and rising sea levels on the viability of their national life, and how the churches are responding to an uncertain future.

Towards an inclusive church: An interview with the Revd Dr Michael Jagessar

In the latest United Reformed Church podcast interview, the Revd Dr Michael Jagessar, secretary for racial justice and multicultural ministry, discusses what it means to be an inclusive church and how we can work towards addressing issues of representation in order to live out Christ's message of fullness of life for all. 

What’s new with CRCW team?

In the latest United Reformed Church podcast brought to you by the URC press office, Elizabeth Quinn, CRCW administrator, talks to Steve Summers, CRCW development worker, about the Church Related Community Work, and what it takes to be a CRCW minister.

Helping to save lives in Kenya

Thanks to the help of the United Reformed Church, the Christian Aid Christmas appeal was a resounding success raising just over £3.6 million! As the UK Government matched all eligible donations pound for pound, this means an additional £3 million for maternal and child health projects in Kenya, Malawi and beyond.   You can find out more about the work of Christian Aid in Kenya, and how the money you helped to raise will help save lives, in the latest URC podcast interview with Christian Aid partner, Rodney Kaleke, coordinator of the Transmara Rural Development Programme. 

Faiths in dialogue

In the latest United Reformed Church podcast, the Revd David Tatem, URC secretary for ecumenical and interfaith relations, talks to Eve Parker, URC press and media officer, about how the URC and their partner ecumenical organisations have been in dialogue with other faith communities and why this is important for the church.

Church leaders talk church and politics at the Joint Public Issues Conference

In this latest Joint Public Issues special podcast – recorded live from the Love Your Neighbour: Think, Pray, Vote conference – church leaders from the United Reformed Church, Baptist Union of Great Britain, Methodist Church and the Church of England, discuss why they think Christians should be involved with politics and what they hope people will take away from the day.

Meet the FURY moderator and moderator-elect

In the latest United Reformed Church podcast, URC press and media officer, Eve Parker, speaks to Andrew Weston, FURY moderator, and Sandy Nunn, FURY moderator-elect – we hear about the recent youth assembly and what the main focuses of the URC youth will be throughout the year ahead.

CreateTalk interview with Elizabeth Gray-King

In the latest URC podcast, Eve Parker, press and media officer for the United Reformed Church, talks to Elizabeth Gray-King, the URC's education and learning programme officer and CreateTalk coordinator, about an exciting new initiative from the URC mission team: CreateTalk, that will be launching in February.


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