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resized image Promo 14A new URC resource has been launched to help people explore how they can respond to the current needs, opportunities and injustices in their local neighbourhoods.

It is hoped that New reality, same mission will act as a stimulus to renewed community engagement by individuals and local congregations as lockdown eases.

Read more: URC launches resource to help renew community engagement as we emerge from the pandemic

Black lives matter credit frankie cordoba unsplash

The following statement and prayer comes from Karen Campbell, the United Reformed Church’s Secretary for Global and Intercultural Ministries, and the Moderators of the URC General Assembly, the Revd Nigel Uden and Derek Estill:

“I have come that you might have life in all its fullness.” Jesus Christ said this more than 2,000 years ago. But when will that fullness of life be afforded to all people – irrespective of the colour of their skin?

The United Reformed Church has no hesitation in adding its voice to the outrage and dismay expressed following the brutal killing of George Floyd. Floyd is the latest in a long line of black people killed in the USA by police officers – those whose sole authority comes from the motto “to protect and to serve”.

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Read more: URC leaders say that we must all be "anti-racist" following the brutal killing of George Floyd

pentecost partners

On Saturday 30th May, a virtual Pentecost Communion service between the United Reformed Church (URC) and the Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz (Protestant churches of the Palatinate region of Germany), was held via Zoom.

The service was led by the Revd Philip Brooks, URC Secretary for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, and Pfarrer Martin Henninger, Minister of the Lutherkirche in Frankenthal, who is also the Convener of the Friends of the URC of the Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz, a partnership that pre-dates the URC, going back to 1957. 

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Read more: Partnership’s Pentecost Communion Service

Nigel and DerekAs their time as United Reformed Church (URC) General Assembly Moderators comes to a close, the Revd Nigel Uden and Derek Estill reflect on their two years in office.

Derek Estill
: My two years as General Assembly Moderator – visiting churches, being welcomed and appreciated – have been a joy and a privilege.

These visits have reinforced my opinion that we are blessed to have dedicated people living out their faith in active and positive ways and, in the process, being a real blessing to many more.

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Read more: Outgoing Moderators reflect on their two years in office

Pray4URC news bannerA new weekly prayer initiative launched on June 4 inviting people to pray about the challenging situation many United Reformed Church (URC) congregations, Synods and staff are facing.

Created by the Group for Evangelism and Renewal (GEAR), Pray4URC follows on from Clap for Carers, which has taken place every Thursday evening during the Covid-19 lockdown, and invites everyone to gather online and pray for the URC at 8.15pm for 20 minutes.

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Read more: A call to weekly prayer for the URC

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