A call to weekly prayer for the URC

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Pray4URC news bannerA new weekly prayer initiative launched on June 4 inviting people to pray about the challenging situation many United Reformed Church (URC) congregations, Synods and staff are facing.

Created by the Group for Evangelism and Renewal (GEAR), Pray4URC follows on from Clap for Carers, which has taken place every Thursday evening during the Covid-19 lockdown, and invites everyone to gather online and pray for the URC at 8.15pm for 20 minutes.

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Pray4URC will run initially for six weeks up to 10-13 July, the weekend that some of the work of General Assembly takes place digitally as the traditional format was cancelled due to the ongoing threat of coronavirus and the health and safety of General Assembly representatives, the staff of the URC and its Synods.

“Over many weeks now, we have got used to clapping for carers at 8pm on a Thursday so we are asking folks not to turn on the TV when they go back indoors but to gather online for prayer,” said the Revd Brian Harley, GEAR Chairman.

“GEAR has for many years coordinated prayers around and at General Assembly. Although only part of the work of this important council will now take place over the scheduled dates, prayer would still be much appreciated, in order that the decisions that are possible may be wise and fruitful.”

The GEAR team, along with a few guests, will lead Pray4URC on Zoom and livestream it on Facebook so that people can listen and pray alongside them and also contribute with comments and prayers.

Each week, guests will be invited to briefly share prayer requests, and then prayers will take place for around 15 minutes. The prayer meeting will be kept brief and refreshing, and a focus on URC life – both local issues and those relating to central and Synod staff, and the various committees and councils – will be maintained.

The Revd John Proctor, URC General Secretary, who is soon to retire, took place in the first meeting.

Join in with Pray4URC on Facebook here.

For more information, please email the Revd Brian Harley here.

Published: 1 June 2020. Updated 5 June. 

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