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Ben Lindsay news bannerCan't wait for the September edition of Reform magazine? Don't worry, you won't have to wait much longer. In the meantime, read an extract of a great interview by two members of the Reform team – Charissa King and Stephen Tomkins. 

Ben Lindsay is on a mission to get churches talking about race. 

He describes himself as a black pastor of a white-majority church in one of the most racially diverse boroughs in London, Emmanuel Church in New Cross.

Read more: Reform interview: Race matters

Planet B news bannerThe Wessex Synod of the United Reformed Church (URC) has joined a growing number of organisations in divesting shares from fossil fuel energy companies.

The move, announced on 27 July, is in line with policy approved at the URC’s May meeting of Mission Council where the Church unanimously approved a proposal to divest from fossil fuel companies.  

Read more: URC’s Wessex Synod divests from fossil fuel companies

Syrian refugeesChurch representatives from across Europe have expressed disappointment at the failure of EU ministers in agreeing any arrangement for search and rescue in the Mediterranean.

At the EU interior ministers’ meeting in Helsinki on 18 July, further discussions and proposals for a temporary arrangement were also postponed until September.

Dr Torsten Moritz, General Secretary of the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) – of which the United Reformed Church is a member – expressed dismay at the results.

Read more: Churches dismayed as EU ministers fail to strike search and rescue deal

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