Intercultural Resources

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  • The People wanted Soldiers - a powerful hymn on confronting Empire, by Graham Adams
  • Do Black Lives Matter in the URC? a conversation with Wale Hudson-Roberts and Patricia Akoli hosted by Karen Campbell.
  • Black History Month (October) 2019 [An intercultural resource for use throughout Black History month drawing on the lectionary readings for the month of October and making connections with a number of intersecting issues.]
  • In our own Words [This a collection of essays written by BAME ministers and ordinands of the URC sharing their faith journey. The essays are autobiographical and offers critical reflections on what it means to be a visible 'minority' within the United Reformed Church.]
  • Diversity Awareness Conversations [This resource of seven conversation points is intended to enable constructive conversations on raising awareness and growing good habits/practices of diversity.]
  • Racial Justice Sunday 2020 [ Here is a modest collection with contributions from various writers and put together by Global and Intercultural Ministries of the United Reformed Church. February 9,2020 is designated as Racial Justice Sunday. The resource, though, can be used anytime, though, the reflections are based on the lectionary readings for this specific sunday.  Should you still need to draw on the 2018 resource kindly contact us
  • Representing Diversity [For any URC person planning, producing or delivering a presentation, picture or communication should clearly and intentionally reflect the URC’s diversity.]
  • CWM Resources [various]
  • Wonderful Youth [A multicultural resource from the Baptists Union of Great Britain. A very timely collection of materials.]
  • MLK50 Social Justice Lenten Lectionary [A special Lenten lectionary to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of Revd Dr Martin Luther King Jr. organized by the Faith Leaders Team of the American National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee.]
  • Chant Down Babylon [A collection of reflections for Pentecost prepared by the Council for World Mission.]
  • a cloud of witnesses [Worship resources for the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the SS Empire Windrush.]
  • Longing to Belong A film. In honour of 70 years of the arrival of the Windrush, this short film tells the story of Mandy's love and appreciation for her grandmother, Agatha. Agatha arrived in the UK on the Windrush in 1948, and had to deal with loss, prejudice and racism in her struggle for equality. Mandy shares Agatha's inspirational story with her daughter - Agatha's great grand-daughter - Aggie, a proud descendant of the Windrush Generation. Accompanying questions for th film can be found here.]  

Justice – Advocacy & Awareness Training

At the 1987 General Assembly the URC declared: “The United Reformed Church believes that all people are created in God’s image, free and equal in  [God's] sight..... The United Reformed Church commits itself to challenge and equip all its people to resist racism within themselves, within the church and within society as a whole and to train people and devoted resources to this task.”

Vision 20 20b

RJMM - The URC Journey

The story of Racial Justice and Multicultural Ministry (RJMM) is relatively young in the life of the United Reformed Church, also a young church in terms of its "uniting" history. While resolutions dating back to 1987 identify this as a starting date, it can be reasonably argued that the URC has always had a focus on what it means to be a radically welcoming and inclusive Church.

Over the years, as a denomination we have strived to move beyond ‘good intentions’ to attempting to live the vision in practice. In this section you will find some documentation related to the work from 1978. We are currently working on updating this list.

General Assembly Resolutions

RJMM Documents (selected)

Multicultural Church & Intercultural Ministries

In 2005, the United Reformed Church declared itself to be “a Multicultural Church welcoming all cultures and ethnicities in worship witness and service, and celebrating the diverse gifts of the whole people of God for the mission and ministry God calls us to”. With the changing landscape in the UK, developing and growing multicultural ministries is a significant core activity of our work. Books relating to this can be found here.

One of the initial and continuing emphases of our work is that of enabling, developing and nurturing the giftings of Black and Minority ethnic lay and ordained members of the URC. This takes the form of creating spaces and opportunities for meeting, training, celebration and reflections. Hence, the development of the United Reformed Curch Intercultural (URCiC) gatherings, Together Ethnic and Minority urc (TEAMurc) meetings (formerly EMLOMA), Black and Ethnic Minority Ministers/CRCW's residential and Cascades of Grace (Black and Minority Ethnic Women). These conferences and gatherings are co-ordinated by a small enabling group working in conjunction with the Secretary for RJiM.

Seasonal/Thematic Resources

Here you will find a collection of seasonal worship resources and study materials related to racial justice and multicultural themes. These resources are intended for small group use, discussion starters, worship and study days. As some of these are sourced from a variety of contexts, it may become necessary to adapt the materials appropriately.

If you have used any of these links and resources, we will value your comments and suggestions as to how they were used and received.

Also, you are invited to suggest other resources you may have used (either your own or that from other links) that we can include here.
Prayers and other Resource (USPG)
Council for World Mission Resources (CWM)
Advent Resources and More (CTBI)
Advent Reflections from East Midlands Synod - a collection of poems, photographs and reflections.


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