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Young people 11 - 18 years

Weekend at home


And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young.

Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanour, by love, by faith, by integrity.

1 Timothy 4:12 (The Message)


Between the ages of 11 and 18 – the pre-teen and teenage years. No longer a child, not yet truly an adult, our young people begin to outgrow the children's provision in church and start to question. Peers become increasingly important and peer pressure may have more influence as young people begin to take ownership of their beliefs, opinions and values. Church – whether local, regional or national, can offer increasing involvement, responsibility and chance to develop leadership skills, or simply the space to grow and explore. 

From 11 to 18, you begin to be able to access more national events or events at synod level where you can get together with other young people from different churches. Keep an eye on our events and opportunities pages from time to time and see whether there is anything that captures your imagination. 

From 14 to 25 you can participate in our Youth Assembly, a gathering of URC Youth from across the country, and at 16 and above you might choose to stand as your synod's rep on the Youth Exec or at General Assembly – an opportunity to make an impact on the denomination at a national level. 

Read more: Young People 11-18 years

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