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Walking the Way News


In the absence of a physical General Assembly due to the Covid 19 crisis, a number of virtual events will be taking place next week to bring people together from across the URC. Simon Peters, Walking the Way Project Manager, explains why you should get involved with these, and how they can help us consider whole-of-life discipleship amongst the challenges of today’s world.

Given the importance of gatherings in the URC, bringing people together to share in fellowship and worship, listening and learning, ultimately making decisions and building the Church together as a community, it is a real shame that the General Assembly cannot meet physically this year.

However, as many have sought to remind us during this time of lockdown, church buildings may be closed, but the Church certainly is not!

To help us all maintain a sense of connection and encouragement from each other, a number of events will be taking place next week to which everyone is invited. Each one will help us to explore something of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in these times, especially given the many challenges which Church and Society face alike:

Read more: FINAL REMINDER: General Assembly events about discipleship happening soon

Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise (DARE) at Central URC, Darwen, Lancashire, seeks to provide fellowship and support for asylum seekers and refugees in the community. In doing so, the project challenges everyone consider what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in everyday life in a world which can be hostile and cruel, especially to migrants. Daleen ‘ten Cate, URC Missional Discipleship Mentor for Lancashire, explains how the group invites us to ‘Imagine’ what a world of kindness and generosity might look like, and how we, as disciples of Jesus can be part of that vision:

Read more: Darwen refugees invite us to ‘imagine’…

walsallRPat Lomax, Church Secretary at Broadway URC, Walsall, shares some of Broadway’s response to the current crisis:

We have been busy during lockdown, keeping in touch with everyone connected to the church. We have divided our fellowship between the elders so that they can contact everyone on a regular basis and provide help, with shopping, deliveries, etc. if needed.

Sunday services are held weekly via our church website and have been provided by a former minister of our congregation (we are in vacancy at the moment), various lay preachers from within our Joint Pastorate, and from one of our elders.

I, as secretary, also send out a weekly update to encourage everyone with news, information and reminders about what’s coming up. We were able to distribute palm crosses with the first one as a symbol of God, and the church’s, continuing care for the community.

Read more: Broadway URC keeps God’s love unlocked

Dartford rRita Brown, local church leader at St Andrew’s URC, Dartford, shares how things have been going for the congregation during lockdown:

This crisis has given us more of a chance to focus on Walking the Way, looking deeper into what the Lord is calling us to, both as Individuals and as a church, seeing where God is using us as the church is scattered (especially when we can’t gather physically).

We, like many other churches have been able to continue Sunday worship in lockdown through technology. Each Sunday we have a two-hour Zoom session, starting with a catch up as people join, before moving into our service which includes a time of sharing news and testimony together in small groups. This is very good as it's random, so people can have conversations with people they may not normally get to speak to. It's quite exciting not knowing who you will be with this week.

Read more: Life grows in lockdown for Dartford

Thick rThe report from last year’s ‘In the Thick of It’ gathering, held at the Scargill Centre near Scarborough with people living and working on the margins with some of the most vulnerable in society can now be downloaded from the URC website here.

Simon Peters, Walking the Way project manager, says ‘Many of the stories and experiences shared during the event were challenging, shocking and difficult to hear, but the responses of individuals, churches, groups and communities were heart-warming, hope-filled and inspiring. I strongly urge everyone to read, and be encouraged by, this detailed report.’

If you have any stories of your own to share, or any reflections on the report, please let us know.

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