The Manual

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The Manual is the handbook of the URC and covers our Union, local churches, baptism, communion, the General Assembly, ministries and more. 

Scheme of Union

A) The Basis of Union (PDF)

B) The Structure of the United Reformed Church (PDF)

C) Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of the United Reformed Church (PDF)

D) The United Reformed Church Acts 1972, 1981 and 2000 (PDF)


The General Assembly

E) Index of Assembly Resolutions 1972 to 2021 (PDF) 

F) Index of Mission Council Resolutions 1992 to 2021 (PDF)

G) All the Reports to General Assembly, Minutes and Records of General Assembly are available online here:

H) A record of the all the binding decisions of General Assembly on how the church operates - coming shortly


Policy documents

I) Guidance concerning Baptism and the Basis of Union (PDF)

J) Guidance concerning Presidency at the Sacraments (PDF)

K) Policies agreed by General Assembly that are applicable throughout the United Reformed Church:

L) The Plan for Partnership in Ministerial Remuneration


Committees and their documents

M) Assembly committees and their tasks (PDF)

N) Committee links: 


Complaints and Discipline

O) Process for dealing with cases of discipline involving Ministers or Church-Related Community Workers (PDF)
Note: this section will be updated shortly

Associated guidance:

O1) A General Introduction to the Ministerial Disciplinary Process
O2) Guidelines for Synods
O3) Guidelines for members of mandated groups
O4) Guidelines for a Minister or CRCW who is the subject of a Disciplinary Process
O5) Guidelines for the Assembly Commission
O6) Guidelines for the Appeals Commission
O7) Guidelines for the Church Secretary (and other officers) of a local Church
O8) Guidelines for Synod Appointees
O9) Guidelines for Secretary and Convener of Assembly Commission
O10) Flowchart through the Section O Process
O11) Notes For complainant

Section O) FAQs on the new Ministerial Disciplinary Process (PDF)

The material on section O below is the process accepted by General Assembly in July 2021, currently out for consultation, to be ratified next year.

Framework – Paper R3 from General Assembly (PDF)

Appendices – Paper R5 from General Assembly (PDF)

Table of terms – Paper R6 from General Assembly (PDF)

P) Procedures for dealing with cases of incapacity involving Ministers or Church-Related Community Workers

Q) Complaints Procedure



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