Worship ideas for the bible year

This page is available as a PDF, download the Worship ideas for the bible year prayers pdf

Transformed by the Bible


God of the living word,
speak to us through our Bibles.
Excite us with the liveliness of character and story,
comfort us in loss and grief,
laugh with us as we play with ideas,
and challenge us as we struggle with the hard bits!
God of the living word,
speak to us,
and bring us to life by your word.

God who journeys with us
Look over our shoulders now
As we study your word.
May the experience of reliving
The history of your people
Travel daily in our hearts.
Journeying God
May we keep in step with you
All of our lives.

God of Spirit and life
Spark in us a thirst for your truth.
As we look to your Son’s new testament of love,
May his life and work and cry for justice
Inspire us to find the wonderful in your world.
Spirit of God
May we look to you for guidance
All of our lives.

God of all that is
Create in us a desire for knowledge,
A determination to unload the baggage
That may cause our steps to falter,
And help us accept the compassion and care
That you freely give to all.
Creator God
May we reach to you for tenderness
All of our lives.
In Jesus’ name.

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Worship material

The worship material included here is a guide to possible resources you could use during Vision4Life. There are a variety of styles and suggestions - adapt them to your own local style or worship

Click below or use the menu above

Worship ideas for the bible year

Worship ideas for the prayer year

Worship ideas for the evangelism year

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  1329 Hits
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Prayer year logo

Vision4Life logo for the Prayer year

Advent 2009-2010. Download the logo by right clicking any logo on  this page and selecting Save Target As…

Logo usage information
- this logo is copyright © 2007 The United Reformed Church and should be used in the exact proportions delivered on this page - i.e.  966×352 pixels - or proportions thereof. It should be reproduced in colour wherever possible.

Colour and typeface detailsVision4 - Arial Rounded MTBold 62 pt narrowed by 60% Life - Bradley Hand MTC 83 pt Normal with outline of 0.03 ins Red CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0

For further help or other formats please email Paul Snell, the logo designer

For other versions, click below

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  1877 Hits
1877 Hits

Evangelism year logo

Vision4Life logo for the evangelism year

Advent 2010-2011

Logo usage information
- this logo is copyright © 2007 The United Reformed Church and should be used in the exact proportions delivered on this page - i.e.  966×352 pixels - or proportions thereof. It should be reproduced in colour wherever possible.

Colour and typeface detailsVision4 - Arial Rounded MTBold 62 pt narrowed by 60%
Life - Bradley Hand MTC 83 pt Normal with outline of 0.03 ins Red CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0

For further help or other formats please email Paul Snell, the logo designer

For other versions, click below

General Logo
Bible year logo
Prayer year logo



  1789 Hits
1789 Hits

Vision4Life logo

Vision4Life general logo

Download the logo by right clicking any logo on  this page and selecting Save Target As...

Logo usage information - this logo is copyright © 2007 The United Reformed Church and should be used in the exact proportions delivered on this page - i.e.  966x352 pixels - or proportions thereof. It should be reproduced in colour wherever possible.

Colour and typeface detailsVision4 - Arial Rounded MTBold 62 pt narrowed by 60% Life - Bradley Hand MTC 83 pt Normal with outline of 0.03 ins Red CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0

For further help or other formats please email Paul Snell, the logo designer

For other versions, click below

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  2129 Hits
2129 Hits

Bible year logo

Vision4Life logo for the Bible year

Advent 2008-2009. Download the logo by right clicking any logo on  this page and selecting Save Target As…

Logo usage information - this logo is copyright © 2007 The United Reformed Church and should be used in the exact proportions delivered on this page - i.e.  966×352 pixels - or proportions thereof. It should be reproduced in colour wherever possible.

Colour and typeface detailsVision4 - Arial Rounded MTBold 62 pt narrowed by 60% Life - Bradley Hand MTC 83 pt Normal with outline of 0.03 ins Red CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0

For further help or other formats please email Paul Snell, the logo designer

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1791 Hits


Powerpoint Files

The files below are available for anyone to use in Synod, Elders, Church and other meetings.

  • To save a file in Internet Explorer - right click the link and select 'Save As' - and then save it to your desired location on your hard disk
  • To save it in Firefox - left click the link above and select the Save to Disc option and press OK. The file will save to your default location - usually the Desktop.
  • To save it in Safari simply left click and it will download.
An Update Powerpoint and a sample starter put together by the SW Synod is available here
This Powerpoint has an update of the state of play for the Bible Year for V4L as at 11th October 2008, along with slides to go with a sample Starter study on Paying Taxes. The accompanying handout and leaders notes in pdf format are available under the Bible Year menu Starters section entitled 'Paying Taxes'.

Download the Vision4Life Update Powerpoint from SW Synod (1MB size)

The Introduction to Vision4Life Powerpoint is now available here.
The file is suitable to introduce synods and churches to the thinking behind and plans for Vision4Life.

Download the Introduction to Vision4Life Powerpoint file (4Mb size)

The file is a Normal Powerpoint file (ppt) and can be shown in its entirety to explain the V4L process. The author is John Campbell. It has added notes and annotations by John explaining why the slides say the things they do. This is not intended to act as a script for use during a presentation, simply to let you know why this version of the Show says the things it does and to encourage you to edit it and adapt it to suit your way of presenting it. ADAPT AND ENJOY!

A Powerpoint show of the Vision4Life Website is available here
This powerpoint contains screen captures of many of the pages of this website, and is useful to encourage churches and individuals to engage with Vision4Life through the website. It is not a functioning website.

Download the Vision4Life Website Powerpoint (6MB size)
The file size is 6Mb. It works best in Powerpoint 2003 or later. Earlier versions will display it but the movement function on the second slide will not work correctly.
  1797 Hits
1797 Hits

Vision4Life factsheet

WHAT IS Vision4Life?


  • A further phase of the United Reformed Church's 'CATCH THE VISION' process
  • A four-year process offered for development in each local United Reformed Church
  • Self-refreshment of each church's engagement with the Bible, prayer & evangelism
  • Materials & support from denomination & synods to enable local design & development


A consultation group on spirituality and evangelism, with members from across the URC's theological spectrum, found a shared excitement about new approaches to the Bible that include the whole people of God in the task of interpretation. We believe every URC could use these approaches to seek fresh, enabling engagement with the Bible. We can picture whole congregations developing their skills of storytelling, listening and conversation in ways that ought to connect the ancient texts with their current situation and stimulate a new confidence in who we are and what we believe. We wondered whether the same range of faith-telling skills, might enable the renewal and strengthening of each church's shared 'tent of beliefs' if also used in support of prayer and evangelism. Might this be how our churches could renew their vision for life? Might we all then bring these skills to 'big tent believing' - being a diverse, lively, interactive denomination ready to speak & act & attract fresh generations of diverse believers?


Each congregation is invited to set up four conversations between May & August '08 to explore 'the big picture' and their own local story  with regards to: 1. The future of the church; 2. The effectiveness of the Bible in their church; 3. The role prayer plays in the life of their church and its members/adherents; 4. Their preparedness to talk about their faith to each other and to outsiders. After these conversations each participating church will then decide whether they wish to commit to developing (with a lot of shared materials and support) their own 3-year programme to renew their engagement with The Bible, with Prayer and for Evangelism.



  • Initial presentation about the proposals at General Assembly 2007
  • Advance promotion at Synods and in churches through Autumn 2007
  • Introductory materials with support events for ministers available from February '08
  • Each church arranges 4 conversations and a decision between May & August '08
  • Year One materials with support events for planners available from September '08
  • Local church planning & promotion of their own year one programme thro' Autumn '08
  • Advent 2008 - Year One, focussed on the Bible, begins...
  • Year Two materials with support events for planners available from September '09
  • Advent 2009 - Year Two, with an added focus on Prayer, begins
  • Year Three materials with support events for planners available from September '10
  • Advent 2010 - Year Three, adding a focus on faith-telling for evangelism, begins

Download the Vision4Life factsheet (pdf)
Download the Vision4Life logo
Logo usage information - this logo is copyright © 2007 The United Reformed Church and should be used in the exact proportions delivered on this page - i.e. Small logo 320x116 pixels, Large logo 968x352 pixels - or proportions thereof. It should be reproduced in colour wherever possible. For further help or other formats please email the logo designer

  2504 Hits
2504 Hits

This Ain't no Alpha! - InGear article

This Ain't no Alpha!

Thoughts on Vision4Life's Bible Year by Rev Dr John Campbell of Northern College, Manchester.
First published in InGear Autumn 2008

Alpha Courses are a 21st century phenomenon. They offer a particular idea about how to engage uncertain and curious others with a clear, specific presentation of the Christian message, and for many people across the world (not just in communities of young professionals like Brompton), they work. Of course, no presenter can entirely resist the temptation to tweak the bits they don't quite agree with, but the basic idea is clear, specific and focused and comes with a well-organised support structure that does everything short of cooking dinner.

Whatever Vision4Life is going to be, it ain't gonna be no Alpha. As one of those who've been involved from the beginning, I've been watching carefully. I've seen what I can only describe as the Holy Spirit leading a growing circle of diverse URC people into an evolving process where we've discovered as we've gone along what it is we're doing.

Here's a spatter of my latest understandings of what it is and how it seems to work...

A process not a programme

United Reformed Churches don't like being told what to do. So, we haven't wasted our time telling anyone what to do, we've invited them to share a 'process' where we all try to address the issues in our own way, as we think appropriate to our own context.

That may sound a bit wishy-washy, but Alpha and many other programmes already exist; they're there, should churches decide to use them. What we're about is coaxing, challenging and exciting any and every URC (or LEP with a URC component) into devising and developing ways to deepen and renew their engagement with the Bible (and with Prayer and Evangelism).

A deliberate focus on the church

Too often I've listened to committed people telling groups of URC members what, as a Church, we should be doing. Too often this is done in a way that simply heightens the guilt that freezes people into inaction.

Increasingly I feel that if URC folk are going to reach out it's going to have to start from honest, realistic reflection on what's truly important. If we are going to get refreshed enough to share, we have to stop sipping from the broken cisterns of 'this is the way we do it' and tap back into the springs we claim our God has given us. There's a refreshment task for so many of us before we can effectively carry water jars to others.

A menu to take away

Some churches have active, creative cell groups that burrow deep into God's Word; other churches have a distinct Bible Study crowd that never seems to recruit new members; yet other churches can sort of remember when they used to have a study group if they try hard.

The Bible Year planners have assembled (in the spare moments of already busy lives) a range of specially-produced materials that churches might find helpful, especially if they risk adapting them to suit their own situations. We're also hoping that churches that have tried other existing study materials will write in so we can share the recommendation (with user's comments) on our website.

But churches that don't use anything on our menu, but do get folk engaging with the Bible in fresh ways, or include fresh people in the process will still be doing what Vision4Life is all about - it's the refreshing of Bible engagement that matters.

Where are the experts?

If there are any experts involved in Vision4Life, they are in the churches, not in the team that's assembling materials. The key expertise is in knowing what might or might not work in your setting, who the unreached groups within your church family might be, what ploys might work to get more people more excited about Bible engagement. Devising what to risk and try in your church is the most important bit of the process.

Learning not teaching

The URC committee that prepares new ministers has changed its name from 'Training Committee' to 'Education and Learning Committee'. It could be just a gimmick, but I think there's something absolutely vital hidden in here. The thing that really matters is not what the teacher teaches, but what the people learn. It all depends on how the learner's understanding grows, and that is most likely to happen if the whole process encourages rather than berates, enables rather than points up inadequacy.

The introductory questions for the Vision4Life process deliberately began with getting people talking about their own understandings of the Bible and what it has meant to them over the years. If Vision4Life is about anything it's about this - start where the people are - honestly, encouragingly, enablingly (!)... helping people to believe they know how to drink, and coaxing them back to the well, letting them admit they're thirsty.

The Spirit and the churches

Just at the moment I feel like someone who's invited a friend along to a Gospel crusade. We're doing all we can as best we know how, but really, from here on in, its all down to the Spirit... I'm sitting here praying.

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2046 Hits

The process of renewing the Church

The process of renewing the Church

Lawrence Moore
There are times when the URC behaves like a Church desperately in search of a programme. "If only we can find the right programme, then our problems will be solved!" people seem to say.  It's as though there's something - just one, key thing that we're either doing and need to stop doing, or aren't doing and need to start.  But if we can just find that key thing, then everything will suddenly - and gloriously - be alright again.  We'll find our Junior Churches full.  We'll have young people and young families.  We'll have people queuing up to play the organ and do the flowers and hand out hymn books.  We'll have to have stewards on standby every Sunday to be ready to put extra chairs out.  The notice sheet will be covered with so many different mid-week activities that we'll have to make the font as small as possible to fit it all on the page.  You recognise what I'm saying, don't you?  These are the hopes of virtually "Anychurch URC" - in fact, of most Christian Churches in the UK.  And lo, along comes Vision4Life ...

The problem is that people are pinning unrealistic hopes on Vision4Life because of a combination of habit and desperation: habit, because we look for "the right programme" in the same way we look for the right medicine to cure a health problem; desperation, because we've tried virtually everything and nothing seems to work!  So let's have something out on the table from the outset: Vision4Life is not going to be the programme to succeed where other programmes have failed, because Vision4Life is not a programme but a process.

Look at the language that is being used: "transforming the URC".  Transformation is a process.  It's about the work of God in our lives - individually and collectively.  That is the work of the Spirit, whose coming we celebrated at Pentecost.  The Spirit is the Spirit of creation and re-creation (resurrection).  Transformation is all about God renewing us.

Vision4Life is about putting ourselves in the way of the Spirit - getting in touch with the sources of renewal.  To say, "Isn't it a good idea to devote time to the Bible, prayer and evangelism?" is, on one level, to ask people to vote for mother's milk and apple pie.  That's not the question, however.  In asking every Church in the URC about their engagement with the Bible, prayer and evangelism, the real question is, "To what extent are you prepared to allow the Spirit of God to renew and transform you?"
That is a question for us all both as individuals and as Church communities.  We have chosen these three areas for focus because these are three fundamental areas of Christian discipleship.  They are thoroughly "Reformed", too.  Think about it for a moment: we read the Bible not to find "rules for living" (or, in John Campbell's words, as a "health & Safety Manual"), but because God has spoken in the past and is still speaking!  To "discover God's Word, revealed in the Bible" is to hear the fresh, living, Life-giving Word that God speaks to us today.  God spoke - and creation came into being.  God speaks - and dead Churches burst into new life!
We pray because God speaks to us and listens to us.  Prayer is conversation - time spent with God.  Relationships wither and stagnate if there is no communication - nothing new to say or hear.  Prayer is about developing habits of intimacy with God: it is about the meetings in which we grow in relationship both to God and the world, and are renewed.

And evangelism?  I don't know what you want to mean by that word, but at its heart, it is simply telling our stories of God.  It's about gossiping the gospel - the Good News that God is intimately involved in our lives and in our world, saving and transforming them.  If that sounds rather grandiose, it needn't be!  That boils down to the little ways (as well as the big ones!) in which we discover that to be true.  We're good at gossip; ironically, we need to learn to gossip the Good News!  But when we do, we will find ourselves talking the language of transformation - and being transformed!
A process, not a programme.  Ultimately, though, it's exactly what it says on the box: it's a vision - a hope, a dream, something we commit ourselves to because we believe that God is still speaking words of Life that transform us and enable us to make a difference - for Christ's sake.

This article first appeared in Carver URC Magazine

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1830 Hits

Serving up the Bible - Reform article

Serving up the Bible

John Campbell While congregations all over the place are having taster sessions in the first half of this year, preparation will be going on for the first set of materials on the Vision4Life menu.

As anyone who tries the tasters will realise Vision4Life is about helping churches to rediscover who they are and rekindle their hope in the possibilities around them.  It will do that by providing a variety of interesting and stimulating ingredients from which people can start to 'cook up' their own local versions.

So when we've all finished our tasters, what about the main courses?  The first of the three years of the Vision4Life process will be centred on the Bible.  It begins in Advent 2008 and will run for 12 months, during which each congregation is invited to come up with it's own answer to the key challenge:

'How do we get everyone connected with our church to explore the Bible in fresh ways that connect with them, their hopes and their problems?'

Along with this key question will come a whole menu of ideas for fresh engagement with the Bible, many of them designed for people who wouldn't dream of turning up at a Bible Study because they don't think they know the Bible very well.

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1751 Hits

Magazine article 2

Vision4Life - dressing up to go out...

A Possible CHURCH MAGAZINE ARTICLE by John Campbell, Principal, Northern College This article is intended to be a 'follow up' article to Lawrence Moore's article. Have you heard of  "Vision4Life" ? Did you read the article by Lawrence Moore in our last edition?

'Vision4Life' is going to be the next phase of the United Reformed Church's  'Catch the Vision' Process.

A group of us wanted to do something to enable the faithful people in our United Reformed Churches (people like you) to find fresh excitement and encouragement in the basic things of our faith - the things that make us who we are. We know that every church is different, with its own pressures and its own delights, but we rather suspect that the very things that should be God's particular and special gift to us have, for many of us, become a little flat or even a little scary. Can we, church by church, recover some 'oomph', risk some excitement, get excited again about dressing up to go out... ?

How would that be, then?

Well, we say that the Bible is important to us, but our historic Reformed emphasis on the central importance of the Bible and an educated ministry means many of us are a bit wary of the Bible, unsure of our own ability to read it aright, happy to leave the study bit to the minister. Can we do anything to enable more of us to ENJOY engaging with the Bible? Can we help people recover their confidence in the Bible and confidence that they have something important to bring to the shared task of making the Bible speak excitingly to us all today?

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Magazine article 1

Introducing Vision4Life, the next phase of 'Catch the Vision'

A Possible CHURCH MAGAZINE ARTICLE by Lawrence Moore, Director, The Windermere Centre
We've been doing structures for the past three years now under Catch the Vision.  That's not what people expected, or wanted, but it was necessary in order to stop all our time and energy being siphoned off in serving a structure that was designed for a Church twice the size that we are now.  Keeping the show on the road was such a task that it became an end in itself.  For all that we elected to become a Church that exists for mission, we found ourselves talking wistfully of mission and doing "maintenance".  So we've been freeing ourselves up for mission - to respond faithfully to God's call to join in God's saving work of transforming this world into the Kingdom of God.

Structures aren't the only things that have sapped resources of time and energy.  Because we're a broad Church, we include in our membership people with very different - and often conflicting - theological viewpoints.  We have members in the URC who make Billy Graham sound like a dangerous liberal, and others who make Don Cupitt seem like a fundamentalist.  We all hang out together in the URC because we believe that unity is important.  We believe that we're enriched by breadth and diversity, and deepened in our faith by having to look at things from a different standpoint to our own.

The trouble comes when there are contentious issues around.  That's when difference very quickly - and almost automatically - degenerates into conflict.  When an issue like human sexuality presents itself, the differences which rumble along beneath the surface, occasionally bursting out in irritated arguments, then explode into open warfare.   It becomes "us" and "them" - where "they" aren't proper Christians, or don't believe the Bible.

It's no good pretending that differences are any less deep-seated than they are.  You have only to look at the Letters pages of Reform to realise that the liberal/evangelical divide is alive and well and living destructively within the URC.  They're deep-seated because they belong to different spiritualities - different ways of understanding faith, reading the Bible, praying, setting priorities etc.

That's why it makes sense to talk about the different "wings" of the Church.  Tragically, the wings were keeping us apart - and what we really wanted to do was to fly!  So in December 2005, a group of evangelicals and liberals got together at Hothorpe Hall simply to talk about the things that mattered to us.  We read the Bible together, prayed together, talked about our faith and told our faith stories.  We shared our hopes and dreams, and our passion for the URC to live up to its vision statement: "Called to be God's people, transformed by the Gospel, making a difference in the world for Christ's sake".

That's what we discovered is the cement that holds us together.  What is more, we discovered that the key to finding one another as brothers and sisters in Christ was to share our faith stories, pray together and read and discuss the Bible together.  It was a transforming experience for all of us.  We found ourselves getting excited about our faith, our mission and our shared (and newly-discovered!) relationship in Jesus Christ.  All sorts of new possibilities emerged - possibilities for a Church that has broken out of the sterile in-fighting between liberals and evangelicals; possibilities for the URC to be properly evangelical - where the "e" word doesn't designate a particular Christian subculture, but a deep rootedness in and excitement about the Gospel and about following Jesus Christ.

We'd stumbled into something bigger and more exciting than we anticipated.  This wasn't something just for a small group to experience: this was something that could be a source of renewal and transformation for the whole Church.

That's how Vision4Life was born.  It's the second phase of Catch the Vision - the phase that deals with the renewal of our spirituality.  There will be a three-year engagement with Bible study, prayer and evangelism.  This is where we found our roots and seeds of renewal to be, and we're returning to them for new life that will make us better able to live out our vision of being God's people, transformed by the gospel, making a difference in the world for Christ's sake.  It's beginning officially in 2008, but we can begin it right now!   By God's grace, it's flying time ...

Lawrence Moore           [ 723 words ]

Note to Magazine editors and publicity people in churches -
Please feel free to 'clip' the Vision4Life LOGO from the top of the Vision4Life fact sheet 1 to use in your magazine or wherever else you are presenting Vision4Life in your local setting.

Download the Vision4Life article by Lawrence Moore (Word format)

  2116 Hits
2116 Hits

Let's find time to talk - Reform article

Let's find time to talk

Kirsty Thorpe

With any good idea, the test comes when you try to take it from a small group, who've been working on it for some time, and share it with more people so they get interested too.  That's the challenge facing Vision4Life this spring.

General Assembly said last year 'Yes, we want to invite congregations to do Vision4Life together'.   But It's quite another thing for people to start receiving mailings of taster material through the post, as they will be doing shortly now, and wondering what they're going to do with them.

So what will your minister or church secretary find when they open that envelope?  There will be copies of four different but related booklets, with material for conversations about the three Vision4Life themes of the Bible, prayer and evangelism.  These booklets are for those people who will be leading sessions on the material and include photocopiable worksheets for group work.

It's up to each congregation to decide how best to set up these conversations and start engaging people.  There's enough material on each of the three themes to fill at least three 90 minute sessions.  Your elders, who will probably look at the booklets first, may decide to give the process more time than this - and the material would certainly benefit from room to explore the questions it asks - or they may feel your church needs to pick and choose certain elements on each theme.

The fourth booklet, which is different from the other three, simply suggests how you might take Vison4Life forward in your congregation once you've had conversations on the Bible, prayer and evangelism.  It also has ideas for a Vision4Life service which you might choose to use this autumn, to launch your congregation's involvement in the process within Sunday worship.

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  1980 Hits
1980 Hits



Magazine and web articles

Here you will find various articles that have been written for use in church magazines, or which have appeared in Reform, INGEAR and in other places.

Vision4Life factsheet

Magazine article 1 - Lawrence Moore

Magazine article 2 - John Campbell

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2867 Hits


Two resources where you can look up bible texts on-line are:



Resources you can use to promote, illustrate or enhance Vision4Life

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1402 Hits


The introductory material for Vision4Life are available below as pdf documents. These give a number of studies useful for home groups and bible studies, but can also be used in other contexts.

The materials can be viewed by clicking the icons below. To download them, EITHER left click and when document has displayed, Save the document from the Acrobat Reader menu OR right click the relevant icon and select "Save Target as".

The materials are currently supplied as "press ready" with crop marks and bleeds or as versions suitable for desktop printing which are slightly lower resolution.

Transformed by the Bible - Introductory discussion materials

Transformed by the Bible - Introductory discussion materials full resolution pdf document press ready with crop marks

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  2277 Hits
2277 Hits

The Bible & Pastoral Care

This article will help a group of elders or pastoral visitors think about how to use the bible in regular pastoral visits and offers suggested approaches to using well know passages.

Download The Bible & Pastoral Care pdf

Select from the menu on the right or view the Bible Year Menu Card

  1478 Hits
1478 Hits

Remembering the Bible

This training material aims to introduce a method of Bible study called Remembering the Bible, that is used in some of the Vision4Life Bible Year material.

Download the Remembering the Bible pdf

Select from the menu on the right or view the Bible Year Menu Card

  1216 Hits
1216 Hits

Training Materials

This section contains documents to help you with various aspects of training and learning. These may be geared to help Elders, group leaders or learning how to use this website - in fact anyone really.

Remembering the Bible

This training material aims to introduce a method of Bible study called Remembering the Bible, that is used in some of the Vision4Life Bible Year material.

Download the Remembering the Bible pdf

The Bible & Pastoral Care

This article will help a group of elders or pastoral visitors think about how to use the bible in regular pastoral visits and offers suggested approaches to using well know passages.

Download The Bible and Pastoral Care pdf

  1467 Hits
1467 Hits