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conversations554x415The United Reformed Church’s Secretary for Church and Society, Grace Pengelly, reflects on what it means to offer a radical welcome.

By the time you read this, the General Election will have happened and the UK will have elected a new government. Whatever the election statistics, it’s certain that some of us will feel jubilant and others deflated about an unwelcome outcome, while Parliament will be gearing up for the next chapter in this continuing story.

Read more: Leave behind your comfort zones!

constance c News images 554x415On 17 September 2017, the United Reformed Church and the Congregational Federation in the UK will mark the centenary of the ordination of Constance Coltman as a Congregational minister. She was the first woman to be ordained in a mainstream British denomination – and she continued her pioneering role by remaining active in ministry as a married woman and mother.

Read more: Constance Coltman centenary celebrations


Over 500 churches, including 50 United Reformed Church congregations, are now registered with the Eco Church scheme launched last year by Christian environmental charity, A Rocha UK. The 500th local church to register was Great Chishill United Reformed Church, south Cambridgeshire.

As the successor to Eco Congregations in England and Wales (Eco Congregations continues in Scotland), Eco Church is based on a simple online survey. Users register for free and can revisit the questionnaire as often as they wish to report on their eco efforts in areas of church life including worship, building management and community engagement. The website keeps note of their progress scores and indicates when they qualify for an award.

Read more: User-friendly Eco Church scheme passes 500 mark

Day Two: Saturday 13 May 2017

Paper B1: Commitment to God’s creation

Presenting paper B1 , Dan Morrell, Youth Assembly Moderator, said: ‘Tackling climate change is a big issue for those of URC Youth age. We need to demonstrate to the wider church and world that we care. Climate is changing so let’s change ourselves, because we must.’ 

The paper was warmly received by Mission Council. It was reported that some churches have joined the Big Church Switch as a result of it. 

Asked what specific luxuries the URC might sacrifice, Mr Morrell offered the example of using environmental criteria when selecting venues for meetings. It was suggested that the assembly arrangements committee be encouraged to book venues on these principles. 

Hannah Jones, Youth Assembly Moderator Elect, answered a question about the contribution of meat production to climate change, saying that having one vegetarian day a week made a big difference. 

Read more: Mission Council round-up day two

wine and fishResources

There are many resources available to help you, and your church, to explore some of the issues tackled at Greenbelt. Here are just a few of them. Keep checking this page as more are added!

Why go to Greenbelt?

Looking back at Greenbelt 2016

'Scrap the Church?' at Greenbelt 2016

Making a Scrap Church from Scratch!

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