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Face masks credit Mika Baumeister unsplashIn light of the various guidance issued by the governments in England, Scotland and Wales, the United Reformed Church (URC) Synod Moderators strongly encourage the use of face coverings for all people attending worship and other URC events that involve face-to-face meetings. 

We recommend that these do not need to be surgical-type masks but should have at least three layers of material, in line with World Health Organisation guidance.

Read more: Coronavirus: URC guidance around face coverings

Robert Waters formattedIt is with deep sadness that the United Reformed Church (URC) announces the death of the Revd Robert Waters.

Mr Waters, widely known as Bob, died peacefully in his sleep at home on 3 July, just four days shy of his 90th birthday.

The reverend trained at the Scottish Congregational College and served as a minister at East Kilbride from 1962 to 1968, Augustine Bristo in Edinburgh from 1968 to 1971, was Chairman of the Congregational Union of Scotland from 1970 to 1971, and General Secretary of the Congregational Union of Scotland from 1971 to 1995.

Read more: The Revd Robert Waters, MBE, MA 1930-2020

MC2020The United Reformed Church held a unique digital version of Mission Council, the executive body of General Assembly, on 10 July.

This came after the URC was forced in May to cancel its biennial meeting of General Assembly due to the threat of coronavirus and health and safety.

The day, comprising three sessions, began with a welcome from Derek Estill, Moderator of the General Assembly

“It’s so good to be here in this format for the very first time,” Mr Estill said. “It’s good to know we are together even though we are in this unusual communication. I hope that during the course of the day, that feeling of being together will grow.”

Read more: Mission Council round up 10 July 2020

GA2020 news bannerThe United Reformed Church (URC) held a live-streamed version of its General Assembly – the URC’s main decision-making body – on YouTube today (11 July).

The Revd John Proctor, outgoing United Reformed Church General Secretary, welcomed viewers to what was the first online act of General Assembly worship in the URC’s history.

Mr Proctor said: “Wherever you are, we are glad that you share with us,” before setting out how the service would run. Mr Proctor then invited Derek Estill, Moderator of the URC General Assembly, to constitute the meeting with prayer. After Mr Estill did so, he confirmed that Assembly was formally constituted.

Read more: General Assembly round up 11 July 2020

Members of Guernsey United Reformed Church standing outside the church buildingGuernsey United Reformed Church (URC) and the island's inhabitants have welcomed the lifting of all coronavirus restrictions.

Phase four of the island’s exit strategy was brought forward by six weeks which allowed churches, restaurants, cafes, hairdressers and beauticians to reopen, and cinemas, gyms and sports venues with social distancing measures in place.

However, the island is now in phase five of the strategy, which has been nicknamed the “Bailiwick bubble” by locals and is a return to near normality after having no Covid-19 cases had been reported since 26 May.

Read more: Guernsey churches return to “normal”

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