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Poppies Chris Sansbury UnsplashRoo Stewart, United Reformed Church (URC) Programme Support Officer for Church and Society , and Debs Brooks, wife of the Revd Philip Brooks, URC Secretary for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, have recorded a hymn specially written for Remembrance. 

For the Beauty of the Somme was written by Pfarrer Martin Henninger, Minister of the Lutherkirche in Frankenthal, and the Revd Dr David Pickering, Minister of Emmanuel URC and Elmers End Free Church, following their joint pilgrimage to the Somme in 2018.

Read more: Remembrance:  For the Beauty of the Somme

resized image Promo 8The Scottish College, a United Reformed Church and Congregational Federation Resource Centre for Learning, has been newly established as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, and has begun to operate as the formal legal structure underpinning college life.
Under the constitution of the new college all congregations of the United Reformed Church (URC) and of the Congregational Federation based in Scotland are entitled to be members of the College.

Local URC churches will shortly be asked to confirm their willingness to be members of the College and to nominate a representative to attend College General Meetings.

Read more: Scottish congregations invited to become college members

banner Drag queens 2 standing credit Richard Williams media wales wThe drag community will once again come together to raise money for St Andrew's United Reformed Church in Roath, Cardiff.

The previous events, which are sponsored by CPS Homes, have so far raised more than £12,000 with the first event taking place in December 2018.

St Andrew's United Reformed Church (URC) on Wellfield Road, built in 1898 needs to raise funds for its long term project of much needed repair work for many parts of the building to be able to continue supporting its congregation as well as the support it gives to many community groups.

Read more: Drag Queens raise money for Cardiff church

LoS Still news bannerThe United Reformed Church (URC) Legacies of (Transatlantic) Slavery (LoS) task group has launched a denomination-wide consultation.

The consultation started with presentations at the autumn Synod meetings and will be broadened in the coming months to engage people in local churches and church groups.

Responses gathered will feed into the task group’s recommendations to the URC General Assembly in 2022.

Read more: Legacies of Slavery consultation launched

Police credit Ehimetalor Akhere UnsplashReligious, faith and belief groups have urged the government to rethink the controversial Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. 

In a scathing letter, published in the Independent on 26 October, dozens of leaders, including the Revd Clare Downing, Moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, warn of the “chilling effect” the Bill could have on “millions who put their faith or belief into practice” and declare it ‘unacceptable in a democratic society.’

Read more: Faith leaders urge Priti Patel to scrap controversial bill

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