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Stepwise banner picPeople wanting to explore and enrich their personal faith can take part in an exciting new discipleship programme created by the United Reformed Church.

Today (26 September) marks the launch of ‘Faith-filled life’, the first of five broad subject streams that make up Stepwise. It is suitable for all ages and up to 15 local groups are being invited to join a phased pilot scheme between now and Christmas.

In line with the URC’s focus on lifelong Christian discipleship and mission, Walking the Way: Living the life of Jesus today, Stepwise aims to help discern where God’s call may be leading, and can also help participants take up specific roles within local communities or the Church.

Read more: Take part in launch of new discipleship programme Stepwise

Fair Trade 2The United Reformed Church has joined 250 organisations from across the globe to launch an International Fair Trade Charter that sets out the fundamental values of Fair Trade and defines a common vision towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a collection of 17 global goals set in 2015, the anniversary of which is being marked around the world today (25 September). 

The global Fair Trade movement is urging policy-makers, business leaders, citizens and consumers to embrace the vision of the International Fair Trade Charter – initiated by Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organisation – to create a global trading system populated by supply chains and models of business that leave no one behind and that their work people can maintain a decent and dignified livelihood to develop their full human potential. 

Read more: International Fair Trade Charter urges action

MeganA young United Reformed Church member, who travelled 5,570 miles to help a charity, created after a devastating tsunami, has written about her experience.

Thanks to a grant received from the URC’s children’s and youth work committee, Megan Bennet Moir, 19, was able to volunteer in Sri Lanka working with disadvantaged children.

Megan, a member of Augustine United Church, Edinburgh, arrived home in July after spending 11 months working in the developing country with The Senahasa Trust, on behalf of the Project Trust.

Read more: Grant helps young church member volunteer with disadvantaged Sri Lankan children

David Cornick 3A former United Reformed Church General Secretary is to retire from a prominent role within the national instrument of the Christian Church in England. 

The Revd David Cornick, who became General Secretary of Churches Together in England (CTE) in 2008 and retires from the role at the end of September, reflects on his time in the position.

‘It has been a fascinating, privileged ten years. No other job in English church life offers such a panoptic view of what is going on in English Christianity. Fourteen denominations/networks of churches have joined CTE in that decade: that’s 30% of our total membership of 47. 

Read more: URC minister to retire from prominent Churches Together England role

Janet Sutton in the community As the United Reformed Church's first official Pioneer Minister, the Revd Janet Sutton Webb has launched a website to share her learning. She is also entering her tenth and final year in the post and reflects on the experience.

I have been living and working in a small rural market town in Devon with people who would not normally be interested in going to church, and to find out what following Jesus might look like if undertaken alongside them. My job title, Emerging Church Pioneer, is a strange one, and so is the job. 

One of the greatest gifts, but also greatest challenges, has been to stand intentionally on the edge of our church institution and try to see it through the eyes of an outsider.  It has been both illuminating and, at times, painful. I have found myself questioning many of the customs, doctrines and practices that we, as a denomination, hold dear. 

Read more: Following Jesus with people not normally interested in Church

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