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army chaplains bannerThree United Reformed Church (URC) army chaplains attended a service in the presence of the Queen to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Army Chaplains’ Department’s royal prefix.

Held on 22 February at the Royal Military Chapel, Wellington Barracks, London, the service reflected on the sacrifice and service of chaplains who gave their lives during conflicts, and those that continue to support soldiers on operations today.

Read more: URC army chaplains celebrated at service attended by the Queen

arnold harrisonIt is with deep sadness that the United Reformed Church (URC) announces the death of the Revd Arnold Harrison.

Arnold served as Moderator of the Yorkshire Synod, Clerk of the North Western Province, Secretary of the Nominations Committee, Minister of Bramhall URC, the Darwen Group of churches and, before the formation of the URC in 1972, as Minister at Duckworth Street Congregational Church (now Central URC Darwen).

Read more: The Revd Arnold Harrison, 1943-2019

Living Lent news bannerThe call to climate action has got louder and during Lent 2019, Christians are being invited to respond by making significant lifestyle changes.

During Lent, which starts on Wednesday 6 March, the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) – on behalf of the United Reformed Church (URC), Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland and the Methodist Church – is hosting Living Lent: Creating a climate of change.

Read more: Christians called to make significant lifestyle changes this Lent

CAYAT womens society Biasso village group 1Fairtrade Fortnight, the key moment for the Fairtrade movement in the UK, begins today (Monday 25 February) until Sunday 10 March.

For two weeks each year, thousands of individuals, churches, companies and groups celebrate the people who grow our food, many of whom live in some of the poorest countries in the world and are often exploited and badly paid.

This year the campaign is focusing on the people, in particular women, who grow the cocoa for the chocolate we love and buy so much of (669,000 tonnes per year in the UK).

Read more: Fairtrade Fortnight focuses on women who deserve a living income

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