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Fossil Fuels credit Eelco Böhtlingk unsplashTwo United Reformed Church (URC) Synods have joined forces with 45 faith institutions from 21 countries to announce their divestment from fossil fuels.

From the UK, participating institutions included the URC’s Southern and Thames North Synods, five Catholic orders, and Anglican and Methodist churches. The full list of participating institutions is here.

Read more: Faith institutions launch new wave of fossil fuel divestment

resized image Promo 2020 11 05T084924.124The Revd Michael Meachin, United Reformed Church Chaplain to the Royal Navy’s HMS Collingwood, offers this reflection for Remembrance Day 2020.

At 11am on the 11 November each year, we will join with many countries around the world in two minutes silence to remember all who have been killed, wounded or affected by war. 

Read more: Remembrance Day: ‘Lights Out’ a reflection by the Revd Michael Meachin

Jack news bannerMore than 100 people attended an online pilgrimage to Bethlehem in September, raising £1,200 for struggling families in the region.

The event was created and led by United Reformed Church (URC) representatives who went on a URC educational visit to the Holy Land last year, and was supported by Commitment for Life (CfL), the URC’s global justice programme.

Read more: URC leads ‘amazing’ online pilgrimage to Bethlehem

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