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Betting machinesThe government announced, on 31 October, that it is to hold a consultation into Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs) in order to better protect consumers and communities.

Proposals include cutting the betting limit from £100 to between £50 and £2 to reduce the potential for large losses on the machines, and tracking and monitoring play on machines to help with interventions to protect players. 

But Mr Alan Yates, and The Revd Kevin Watson, Moderators of the United Reformed Church’s General Assembly, joined churches and faith based organisations in warning that the range of options presented is too wide. 

Read more: Government urged to be tough on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals

John Proctor 2Autumn 2017 is a key period in the Reformed Christians’ calendar. We celebrated the centenary of the ordination of Constance Coltman in September, and October marks 500 years since German monk, Martin Luther challenged the teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church, says the Revd John Proctor, General Secretary of the United Reformed Church.

'I want to unpack with you some luggage that comes with the name Reformed. Luther caught the mood of the times, and set in motion a wave of change that historians now call the Reformation,' John said. 'The most obvious result was a major transformation of church life, initially in northern and western Europe, and particularly, so far as we are concerned, in this island, then eventually in many other countries across the world.

Read more: Reformation anniversary reflection: ‘The Reformed roof-rack: travelling with treasure, and daring...

Maldon URC concertWith more than 100 people packing its hall every month, Maldon United Reformed Church, Maldon, Essex, offers free lunch time music concerts to show the community what being a Christian means to members.

The concerts, held on the second Thursday of every month, have been running for 15 years.

And Sylvia Rickett, a church elder, who has been involved since the start, explains how the activity has quickly become a highlight in the church's calendar, and gives people an insight in what being a Christian is all about. 

‘It’s very daunting for people to come into a church sometimes,’ said Sylvia. ‘If you can encourage them in other ways and welcome them, it’s showing them how we Christians live and what we do as disciples. We are showing them our facility isn’t just a building for church.’

Read more: Free concerts help show community what Church is all about

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