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Holy Habits book cover 2The idea for Holy Habits first came about when I sat down to tackle an MA essay question: ‘To what extent do we see the picture that Luke paints in Acts 2:42-47 re-emerging in fresh expressions of church today?’ That really made me think! The phrase ‘holy habits’ describes the practices we see in Acts 2 and I began to intentionally link the passage to the nurturing of discipleship – focusing on discipleship supported by Church but not limited to it. Discipleship is lived in the whole of life, not just in the times that we gather as Church.

Read more: Author shares inspiration behind Holy Habits

Stone Town SlaveA project exploring the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade was launched by the Council for World Mission (CWM) on 12 November.

The hearings centre around the legacies after slavery of place and people, and include acts of lament and repentance, and the sharing of historical and social analysis. 

The programme started with a hearing in London, and three more are planned for 2018 – in Ghana, Jamaica, and the US.

Read more: Project exploring legacies of slavery launches

Leisure Girl Outdoors Beach Praying Person credit maxpixelEvery morning at 6am the United Reformed Church sends out a daily devotion – a reading, reflection and prayer – to more than 1,700 people.

With hundreds more following online and through the dedicated Facebook page, the devotions emphasise the importance of biblical reflection and prayer as a practice of discipleship, and, from 1 December will appear with the Walking the Way: Living the life of Jesus today branding.

The Revd Richard Church, Deputy General Secretary (Discipleship), explains why. 

Read more: Inspiration in your inbox

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