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Love to learn credit Tim Mossholder/UnsplashThe United Reformed Church’s Education and Learning Committee is launching a new grant to support lay discipleship development.

Funding for the Discipleship Development Large Grant Award comes from the proceeds from the sale of the Windermere Centre.

Around £5,000 per award per annum is available to recognised groups within the URC which can apply to the newly formed Discipleship Development Fund (DDF) Large Grant Awarding Group (LGAG) via the Revd Jenny Mills, the URC Secretary for Education and Learning.   

Read more: New grant to support lay discipleship development launched

smeatons tower plymouth mrsunburnt unplash 840x460The Revd Ruth Whitehead, Moderator of the United Reformed Church’s South Western Synod, offers a reflection and prayer after yesterday’s shooting in Plymouth.

The events in Plymouth on Thursday, which unfolded sometime after 6pm, are still not fully understood, but it seems that a young man shot dead five people and then killed himself.

For this to happen in Devon’s ‘ocean city’ of Plymouth, as it is anywhere, is simply shocking.

Read more: Plymouth shooting: We need to dig deep into our faith

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