intercultural networks

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At the core of our work are the following interrelated foci that bring together themes of justice and a multicultural church attempting to live and deepen intercultural habits.



Racial Justice

Justice is at the heart of our work.

We believe, every act that deny and prevent authentic and inclusive engagement of all within the church and in society is not from God. Hence, the United Reformed Church rejects, opposes and challenges the sin of racism, and institutional racism in the life of Church and society as a betrayal of the generous heart of God.

In enabling links between racial justice and our practice of mission and ministry, RJiM gives agency to:

  • Growing, supporting and equipping GiM Advocates;
  • Enabling racism awareness training for the whole church;
  • Supporting the work of local churches' among refugees and asylum seekers;
  • Monitoring the URC's inclusion mandates;
  • Developing new tools for analysis of issues and data.

Multicultural/Intercultural Ministries


In order to enable the United Reformed Church to live out its multicultural declaration and vision, RJiM is committed to exploring new ways, models and tools to make this real in the whole of our life together. To this end, RJiM:

  • supports and enables the work of the ethnic minority lay and ordained ministers (together ethnic and minority URC - TEAMurc formerly EMLOMA) and various ethno-cultural ministry gatherings/initiatives;
  • develops new resources (for worship, bible studies, training); Communicates the multicultural vision (including its biblical and theological bases);
  • enables the congregation stories award project; delivers training programmes;
  • develops vocation for ministry among the minority ethnic membership;
  • sponsors a yearly intercultural theology conference; receives mission partners.


Migrant Congregations/Churches

RJiM works with Synods and congregations on a common strategy to enable, nurture and support ethno-cultural or newer “migrant” congregations in mission and ministry (better church hosting), alongside and as an integral part of the life of the local and the wider church. This work includes:

  • Supporting ethno-cultural ministries and mission;
  • Developing synod and congregation strategies;
  • Enabling minority ethnic gatherings and conferences;
  • Nurturing partnerships with a difference.

Does your church share its worship space with Christians of a minority ethnic or ethno-cultural group (egs. Korean, Pakistani, Angolian, Brazilian, Nigerian etc)?

The RJiM Office would greatly appreciate if you can kindly complete this short online form to help us get a better picture of and support this enriching ministry.

Networking & Celebrating

A significant element of our work is that of nurturing effective networks. Networking is across all our synods and various ecumenical and secular partners.

High priority is also given to celebrating multicultural events across the constituencies of the United Reformed Church. Celebrating and affirming are key aspects to the renewal of the life of the Church. Some of these moments/occasions include:

  • Cause for celebration; Multicultural Congregational Stories Project; Biennial Multicultural Celebration and other events (eg Black History Month; Windrush Anniversary)

Whole Thing

'Trinity: Stations on our Way' by Trinity St Albans URC (Lent 2011)

welcoming logo

Cascades of Grace

"...and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God with boldness." (Acts 4:31)

Cascades of Grace - voices of Black and Minority Ethnic women of the United Reformed Church is a new group seeking to connect BME women across the denomination

All Black and Minority Ethnic Women in the United Reformed Church are invited to join and participate in events sponsored by Cascades of Grace.

  • celebrating gifts and recognising contributions
  • hearing stories and sharing experiences
  • helping to shape spaces and places for BME women voices to be heard
  • working for the inclusion of all in the life of the United Reformed Church

To find our more, please contact:

Karen Campbell:

Racial Justice and Multicultural Ministry Office,
The United Reformed Church House,
86 Tavistock Place,

Telephone: 020 691 9872 / 020 691 9872

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